Booster pedal suggestions?

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Well-known member
Jan 5, 2010
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I have been using an Xotic BB Preamp for channel 2 (mostly) but I find it to be a very compressed sounding pedal. The tone is nice and I keep the gain down but it really squashes the sound.
Anybody have any suggestions for an overdrive pedal that is not so compressed sounding?
I had to face the same "trouble" and I ended up switching my BB Preamp for the AC Booster: a lot less compressed but still warm and overall balanced, not too much bright or mid-range oriented like some OD or tubescreamer type of pedals.

You could also look for Barber LTD (heard really good things about this one, great price and quality), Fulltone OCD (v1 or v2 works better than 3rd and 4th for low to mid gain tones, imho), Menatone Red Snapper and T-Rex Alberta.

Good luck! :wink:
I go in phases, I'll use a Way Huge Pork Loin for a day or two.... a Mosfet Full Drive for a day or two... then an SD1, DS1, OS2, Hot Head, Bad Monkey for combined total of a week.... throw in a few other random OD's but I still go back to the IBANEZ TS9. It just sounds the best IMO.
Don't laugh, but I use my Boss Sd-1 when I want a totally open, hot distortion. It just injects a bunch of harmonics into the sound that I can't normally entice out of my Strat single coils. I use it sparingly on just a few songs.
I like the LTD a lot for this. It has a warm sound and feels natural as a booster for the Drive channel, as well as a low-gain OD input for the Clean. Doesn't squash the lows or the highs; nice and transparent. Edit: I should say, the only thing I struggle with is that the level that seems to work best with the Drive channel can be louder than the optimal setting for the clean; so it's a fine balance with gain and level adjustments to make it work perfectly with both. But it's not a big problem.

For a totally clean boost I also use the Barber Tone Press, and it actually works really well -- with no compression. I turn the level up and sustain and blend almost all the way down, and it really punches both channels up, sans tone affect. So between those two pedals, I have both low- and no-gain boost options that work with both channels. Pretty spiffy. :)

I love the OCD, but I don't use it with my LSC. I wasn't able to get it to work as a natural sounding booster, and the tone was already similar enough to the amp's drive that it seemed redundant. Mine's a v.3, so YMMV.
Don´t laugh, but i get great tones in both channel with the Boss fender 59 bassman, i have some boutique pedals and all works great they are just diferent for me, the Divided by 13 Joyride was my favorite for long time for boosting and clarify my sound until i get the half priced Boss FBM, yes you can give it a try. Anyway i like all my pedals but i´m allways selling and buying i have not achevied yet my ideal pedalboard for the music i play, i´m a big fan of Tito & Tarantula, i love the sound of Tito´s Guitarist Mr Steven Medina Husfteter a master using effects and playing guitar
Rothwell Atomic Booster!!!
It makes your guitar come to life.
I cant say enough good things about this pedal, It,s a perfect match with the Lonestar!
I wish someone else on here would get one and truly appreciate how good it is :(
Then again its what makes my tone unique :lol:
RC really clean boost or AC almost clean boost. I laughed when the guy told me why they are called AC and RC boosts. Anyone else heard that one?
As may of the other guys in this forum, I also use the Xotic BB Preamp (Andy Timmons signature model) and the Xotic AC Booster. The BB is typically set to 9-10 oclock for gain and AC is used more as a clean boost (gain at 8 oclock). I just got a Hermida Zendrive and that thing sounds just as good as the Xotic pedals. Peace, -G.
I am using an version 1 MI Audio Boost n' Buff and am very happy with it. It is a clean boost until about 12 on the dial then starts to sound like a treble booster after that. Version 2 of the BnB has two dials to separately control gain and volume so it might be even more versatile. I use it on almost every solo. It just makes it sound fatter with a bit more gain.

In addition, the buffer (always on) in the pedal is amazing. It really helps retain the highs when you are running a pedalboard out front. Something in my opinion that is needed in a darker amp like the LSS. I can sure tell when the BnB isn't in the chain!
I'm with Mr TimeSignature, I always end up going back to the venerable Ibanez TS9,
- although today I've been liking the BB preamp, used as a 'nearly clean' boost!
I have a few other boxes, some homemade, some classic or modern, but the TS9, with a bit of careful knob fiddling, always floats my boat for a solo boost.
The BB is good, but not '100 or more quid above the price of a basic fuzzbox' type of good in my opinion!
Aaaaand while I'm on the subject, whoever thought the solasound tonebender sounded good?
I've got one and it's dreadfull! I only keep it to show people! Same with most of the other tranny boxes of that era, Big Muff, etc. - why buy a nice valve amp and then ruin it with a box that makes the sound of dying transistors? Hehehehe. - Sorry, I'll shut up now! ( this is not a criticism of anyone on this topic, - I just couldn't help myself going into a foaming at the mouth rant! ) :oops:
I'm hooked on Xotic... Bought a BB and thought it was great on the clean channel for "Vaughnish" tone, but wanted a little more singing mids for the overdrive channel as a solo pedal. Bought an AC Boost but was really disappointed. It was way too hard to get sustain out of it. Sounded "empty". Went ahead and bought a BB MB Customshop and my dreams came true! I roll way back on the drive and add a little mid and I love this pedal. Sort of like a TS-9 but totally transparent and way more "adjustable". Actually the BB MB is really like a Fulltone OCD. I can get any OCD sound with no trouble out of it.


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