boost pedal for mark series

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King Tone

Active member
Dec 9, 2007
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Anyone use a pedal for any kind of boost with a mark series amp? I just got an xotic rc booster and love it. You can use it to have sort of just a clean boost, a gain boost and a variety of tonal variations...single coil thickening, level control between guitars,etc
For my MKIIC+ Simul I use a RC Booster, OCD, VooDoo Lab Bosstone, and a Zen II. I only uses these pedals through the clean channel and mostly set at low distortion levels. I don't find that the amp has to be pushed very much and too much boost can make the sound too mushy or artificial, even though these pedals have generally very authentic tube sounds. One main reason I use them is that they increase the picking sensitivity greatly and I have gotten to use the guitar's volume and picking to control the amount of distortion.
I used a proco RAT2 with my Mark III red stripe and it sounded really awesome and fat but there was too much noise.
I use a Seymour Duncan SFX-1 Pickup Booster with my Mark IV. It's clean, powerful, dead quiet, and inexpensive. A rare thing nowdays.
If you want to go on the cheap the Digitech badmonkey, while hideous to look at, surprisingly works well and the price is right.

I use the MI Audio Blues Pro overdrive to boost the lead channel on my Mark I. Prior to the Blues Pro I was using an AnalogMan SD-1/808 which is also a great booster. The SD-1/808 didn't have quite enough volume to suit my taste so I sold it and purchased the Blues Pro, which has lots of volume on tap. The Blues Pro is more neutral in the mids than a typical TubeScreamer clone, and adds tightness and some cut to my Mark I's lead channel. I also have Fulltone Fulldrive 2 Mosfet (red version) which is a great booster, although I am now primarily using it to boost other pedals on my pedalboard. I have never tried the Xotic pedals, but I always hear good things about them.
I use a couple pedals to boost my mark iv.

I use an EH LPB-1 as a boost at the beginning of my chain (before chorus and delay). This is a pretty transparant boost for the money -- $30. I may replace this with a Barber Launch Pad because I also need to split my signal to another amp (a JC120 for acoustic sounds blended in) and that pedal does both boost and split.

I also use a Voodoo Lab Sparkle Drive as my main overdrive/boost which works well because of the clean blend function. I can kick it in and it boosts the natural grind of the mark and dial in as much drive as I need.

And I also have a Boss SD-1 at the end of the chain that I am still hanging onto becuase it is just a rude sounding overdrive. its not right for everything but it works for some singing leads.
I put a volume pot in the FX loop and turn it down a bit. For normal playing I leave the FX loop on and turn it off for leads. This way using the FX loop switch on the footswitch I have a switchable "boost" for each channel. I like it this way because I can be playing a song with the clean channel and go "boost" it and still have a clean tone. Works great. Built the little box myself from about 10 bucks in parts from Radio Snack.


tubeydude said:
I put a volume pot in the FX loop and turn it down a bit. For normal playing I leave the FX loop on and turn it off for leads. This way using the FX loop switch on the footswitch I have a switchable "boost" for each channel. I like it this way because I can be playing a song with the clean channel and go "boost" it and still have a clean tone. Works great. Built the little box myself from about 10 bucks in parts from Radio Snack.



That is clever. Another variation is to use a volume pedal in the loop, some pedals have a minimum volume control (knob) that could be set, for example, at 75% when the pedal is all the way down, then at 100% all the way up.

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