Blue Box/Octaver

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Well-known member
Feb 13, 2006
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Anyone know a good place to put an octave pedal in my chain? I just got the MXR Blue Box and want it to sound as best it can. Should I put it in the loop or in front?
good to hear you bought a blue box! i can't offer any advice on where to put it, but i am curious to see what you think of it?

i've been thinking of getting one myself. how do you like it? can you create some useful sounds with it? some reviews say it is too wild to actually use!

good luck with it!
My girlfriend got it for me for Christmas, and I tried it in the loop and it's nothing but static on an array of settings. I didn't even want to do it the favor of being put in front of the amp because the thing just sounds like complete static and mush. I now believe all octave effects belong on solid state amps (including my Whammy pedal) because my RKII is so natural that I dont believe the blue box can handle it.
Envelope detecting effects such as an octaver belong in the front of your chain. You can certainly put it in a loop so it won't suck tone when not being used. But just like a compressor or a pitch-shifter, keep it up front just after a wah.
I used to have a compressor prior to the Blue Box and then another Distortion pedal.. it was more "stable" if you can really call it stable for the Blue Box.

I loved the tone, but it was too inconsistent... but you could get the Dinosaur Jr. or the "Fool In The Rain" guitar tone....