Blue Angel Rectifier Question.

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Murphy Slaw

Well-known member
May 18, 2007
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After reading about all of the problems with the LSS rectifier tubes going out I started getting paranoid about my (heavily gigged) Blue Angel.

It uses the 5AR4/GZ34, and I also have a 96' Fender Prosonic that uses that tube, and they are both stock.

Then I started to wonder when it uses the rectifier tube. The Blue Angel has 3 power tube choices, 2; 6V6's, 4;El84's, or all six. But it says dual rectifier so I wonder, at what point do the diodes kick in, and the tube kick out.

Thanks, and best to ya.
Just thinking from what I remember about my friend's Blue Angel, you should have a switch that say "Diode Rectifier / Tube Rectifier". There's no "kick in" diode rectifier like the Lone Star Special. Its an either / or => either tube rectifier or silicon rectifier.

So no matter what power tube selection you dial in => pair of 6V6 only, or quartet of EL84s or progressive pair 6V6 + quartet of EL84s, you have the option of selecting which rectifier unlike the LoneStar Special which kicks in the silicon rectifier in the 30 watt mode, no tube rectifier in 30 watt mode.
Really? Now I'm dumbfounded just like you why "Dual Rectifier" on the front panel when its only "tube rectifier"?

I'd guess that maybe MESA was had a surplus of panel with "Dual Rectifier" but I would not know which model. And I think the chassis of a Blue Angel is the same size as a Mark Series large chassis (or med-size chassis). Not sure though. Hope someone else chimes in.

There are two DC rails in the Blue Angel. The tube rectifier rail supplies everything except the gain tubes (V1 and V2) and the reverb recovery tube (half of V4), which are powered by the SS-rectified rail.
The Admiral has it correct. Yet another way that this amp rows it's own boat. Murph (and anyone else who cares) you need a spare at the very least. In terms of finishing your gig, rectifier tube failure is catastrophic. This is one thing I love about my Maverick, built in redundancy. You can switch between tube of SS recto. You can also switch from one set of preamp tubes to the other which might save the moment mid-set. Power tubes will take you down though. My Angel has a buzz in it, have not found it yet. May need service. It is slightly bigger and WAY heavier than the Mav but I love the 6v6 sound and the band I am in plays at a nice level where I could use them.
I've got a NOS Mullard I've been saving for the first one that needs it, but sixveesix made me nervous about that once in a previous post. Now I don't know if I should buy a spare from Mesa. Are they having rectifier problems, or is it just the 5Y3?

Where would (and will), and what would you guys buy for spare 5AR4/GZ34's?
What kind is in it now? I've had good luck with the recent Sovteks, and the current-generation Chinese. JJs, not so much.

One mod that's worth doing to any tube-rectified amp (IMO) is to solder silicon diodes - 1N4007s are fine - in series with the AC to the tube. I use two of the unused pins on the socket - instead of connecting the AC to pins four and six, I connect them to pins three and five, then connect the diodes from three to four, and from five to six.

This will prevent arcing in the event of a rectifier tube won't keep a bad tube from dying, but it will save your power transformer.
Murphy Slaw said:
I've got a NOS Mullard I've been saving for the first one that needs it, but sixveesix made me nervous about that once in a previous post. Now I don't know if I should buy a spare from Mesa. Are they having rectifier problems, or is it just the 5Y3?

Where would (and will), and what would you guys buy for spare 5AR4/GZ34's?

Hey Murph, I suggested that you keep your eye on it is all. So test it first before using it under fire. If it works for you it is a legendary tube in terms of longevity.

I am pondering the Admiral's tip re the diodes. Makes sense to me.
I had it tested years ago after I bought the Prosonic. It was perfect so I was saving it. Then this spring I got the Blue Angel, and since it used the same rectifier tube, figured it would get it since honestly, the Prosonic isn't used much (at all) anymore.

And I was always under the impression that a GOOD rectifier tube would outlive most lead players. :D

I've just never in my life heard of so many rectifier tube failures until the last few months.

Admiral, the stock Mesa one is in it. It's a (Nov) 2000.

What? Me worry?


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