Blue Angel Mojo module problem

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Aug 31, 2010
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Problems with my BA has started about 4 years ago. After switching on the amp it sometimes started to make horrible noise, louder than amp on max volume. Noise takes only a moments so local tube technician wasn't able to find out where is the problem. But time of noise was slowly growing up up to 10-20 minutes, sometimes even 30 minutes. So month ago I tried technician again and this time he succeeded. He found out that the problem is somewhere inside MOJO module. When he make bypass the noise is gone but sound of BA is horrible now. MOJO module is filled with epoxyde so it is not possible to repair it. He said that all problem is most probably just some poorly soldering :? I tried to contact Mesa international support but no answer yet.

Does anyone has a schematics of this bloody MOJO module? :|

Please help!!!
The diagram for it isn't on the Blue Angel schematic, but it *is* on the Maverick schematic :). Page 3, the part at the lower left with the four transistors.

If you're familiar with Mesa schematics you'll recognise it as a Graphic EQ circuit without the slider controls, so the transistors which are not labeled on the Maverick drawing should be:

Q2, Q3 MPSA70

It should be fairly easy for a decent tech to build this circuit on some stripboard or similar.