Bias and Slave Out Questions

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May 13, 2006
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I recently bought a 3 Channel DR and I am thinking about retubing with JJ 6L6's. I was wondering if you have to get mesa amps rebiased if you are not using Mesa Tubes? Also, could the slave out be used as a "Recto Preamp" for recording?
I have a set of JJ 6L6's in my DR. They are a #26 from Eurotubes. You can run them cool in the 6L6 bias position, but they bias to about 40ma in the EL-34 position. Bob is pretty slick. When you bias them hotter the amp get really fat and creamy. When you use the 6L6 position you get the huge headroom and the typical Recto buzzy crunch. Regarding your slave question, it really depends on what you are slaving into. Certain USB devices cannot handle a slave voltage without clipping or frying. Slaving into a power amp or another amps power section is no problem.
No....they run at the perfect voltage for that setting. Rectos are biased very cold, so when you put them in EL-34 mode, it levels out perfectly.
Mesa amps are fixed bias, so you want to deal with reputable tube dealer! Also, the slave out is not intended for recording purposes!
fatboy135 said:
"Most of the sounds we think of as classic electric guitar tones are the product of two primary components; the distortion produced by a valve output stage driven into clipping, and the inherently bandwidth-limited response of a guitar speaker. Take away the latter, and the former does not sound 'nice' at all, full of fizzy upper-harmonic trash that leaves single notes and especially chords sounding harsh and unmusical — OK, I know there are styles of music where the sound of a DI'd fuzz box is appropriate, but for most people this is the audible equivalent of sucking a lemon."
in a electrical way the slave output is prepared to be engaged into a recorder, another issue is that it doesn´t sound well.
I think that the slave output is a perfect swiss knive but you must to know how to use it or you can cut yourself.
I´m totally agree with you about the speaker features but....
think about devices like red box, palmer di or even a pod pro, all that items allows to be attacked with a line level signal and they produce a similar effect like speakers... they are mainly made with transformers and coild that perfectly matched the character of a speaker, so the slave output in a stand alone is not the better way, but using it in junction with another speaker simulator device could achieve a very good sound.

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