between the 25w and 50w express?

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Well-known member
Jul 27, 2006
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0 Im going to try the express series tomoroow....but Im preety sure shops will rarely have both versions and will essentially have the combo versions...
I am really interested in buying this amp in the head version.
the question is:
25w or 50w?
I will buy the head with a 2x12 cab and we are two guitarists in my band.
Even if we like to play quite loud, Ive heard that mesas were really loud for the wattage announced.........Id like to have enough clean headroom but its really not a probleme if the sound distorts a bit....
so Ive got two questions:
1. 25w or 50w head for band?
2. with the new mesa amps, 90per cent of the sound comes from the preamp....but some people say that the 25w due to the el84 is more british in the crunch than the other as Ive said, 90per cent of the sound comes from the is the difference really there or not?

I think so. I demo'd both the 25 & 50, but being partial to 6L6 amps, I preferred the 50 (although not enough to buy one). I prefer a more articulate sound which EL84's don't deliver for me. Depends on your preferences and your needs. Have fun trying them!

No, not really. 50 is the Gigging number.

If you really need the low volume for home, i suppose you could mic the 25 through a PA but for normal average size gigs, you want the 50.

EDIT: The 50 still has 5watt mode for home anyway
I know it has the 5w mode but is more expensive.....and as people dont really seem to complain about studios22+ or other mesas that are equipped with 2 el84...I thought that it would be suffisiant.
but thanks for the advice(Ill go and test)
the 5:25 is loud enough but since they sound pretty different you should figure out which one you like before you decide which one to get based on power.
....I imagine the 50w with its 6l6 will be more agressive.....I ll go and see.
thanks a lot
I've got the 5:25 combo and it is plenty loud enough for any jamming session unless you want your ears to bleed :D I'm running a MXR 6 band EQ through the effects loop and it'll keep up with the Rectos and Mark series! I was shocked when I put that EQ in the loop. My Rectoverb combo has more warmth but that little 5:25 just cooks! I'm also running a 1x12 extension cab with it so I can have a 10" and 12" sound.
when i tried them side by side in the store i liked the 1x12 5:50 better then the 1x10 express 25. I bought the 5:50 1x12 and use it for gigs all the time. It will be up to you but i liked the sound of the 5:50 which had more sparkle and headroom and sparkle then the 5:25. the 10 in vs the 12 in had to make a difference to. l84's are cool but, they will compress really fast and if pushed sometimes lose the tight lowend. bothe are great try to play them both, maybe take one home for two weeks and then bring it back and try the other one. GC is great for this.
benlink said:
2. with the new mesa amps, 90per cent of the sound comes from the preamp....but some people say that the 25w due to the el84 is more british in the crunch than the other as Ive said, 90per cent of the sound comes from the is the difference really there or not?


I have the 5:25 and have on two occassions A/B with the 5:50 2X12. To my ears the 5:50 sounded slightly better rounded in the 50watt mode while the 25 was better in 5W mode. The difference was too small too make me want to pay more or lug around more weight with the 5:50. There was a salesman closeby who felt the same way about the two amps. I played both amps at low to moderate volumes, i.e., 8:00 - 11:00.

ive had both amps , the 25 watt has no head room and wont cutt though the rest of the band on lead ect , used in a local pub gig once , i then up graded to the 50w and its great ... 25w only good for home use ect
