Best speaker combo in a 2 x 12 OS port city for ED

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Aug 1, 2010
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Hey Guys,

What would be the best combo of 2 x speakers for an OS Port City 2 x 12

I currently am running a V30 & G12t75 and seriously considering an ED

I have a mark V and love it.. and heard a ED the other day and cant stop thinking about it

I think it would be perfect with my YJM strat!

Thanks Guys
liquidtensionJP said:
Hey Guys,

What would be the best combo of 2 x speakers for an OS Port City 2 x 12

I currently am running a V30 & G12t75 and seriously considering an ED

I have a mark V and love it.. and heard a ED the other day and cant stop thinking about it

I think it would be perfect with my YJM strat!

Thanks Guys

Ya, this sounds MIGHTY familiar! Electra Dyne + Gibson Les Paul = killer tone. They sound great with strats too!

I like v30 + c90 but I'd suggest trying the v30 + G12T 75 combination. If it works with your mark, it will probably work with the Electra Dyne too. The only 'potential' issue is the huge bass response of the 'Dyne but honestly, simply turning down the bass knob solves a lot of problems.
I use my other 2 x 12 OS Port City with my Mark V it has 2 x V30 speakers in it

I didnt like the way my Mark V sounded with the G12t75
Speaking of c90s, I need a 16ohm c90 for my Thiele 2 x 12. Going to try v30 + c90 in that cab too. I also have some port combinations so I can tune it!! YAY!!
I`m taking the long way home. I`ve got the 2x12 rectifier cab w/closed back. I`m pulling both V30`s out and trying two G12-65`s. The Heritage speakers sound so good!If that dosen`t work i`ll pull them both out and go one V30, one C90 the same thing yellowjacket recomended when this all started! I do like the idea of one side open w/C90, and the other side closed w/V30 as is the Roadking cab. But thats another cab way later down the road. jeffp.

I'm beginning to change my ideas about gear. The Heritage speakers are A LOT of money for a driver when in reality, the Celestions Mesa gets are really the same quality. I used to love high breakup speakers but I now favour c90s and v30s with Mesa amps, simply because the tone is so detailed that you lose a lot when the speakers start flapping about. I have a couple of G12m 20 Heritage speakers in my thiele and I really don't fancy them right now. They simply sound too nasal for my purposes. The v30 / c90 cab gets a lot of traffic. (If I was to keep those speakers, I'd want to stick them in a Marshall 4 x 12s with a pair of v30s. Now THAT would rule!)

I think my problem was that I was always fighting with my Recto trying to make it into an Electra Dyne. I find that now, I can get 'my tone' with either of my axes. I'd prefer the Gibson for recording crunch tones, but live either works fine. I really have enjoyed rehearsing with the 'dyne since Mesa amps tend to sit in a mix so wonderfully well. The only issue so far has been volume. I think I have it a hair above 0 and it still destroys everything.
I was interested in the G12-65 as Robben Ford gets great tone, but he has a Dumble :wink:

From what I can tell the G12-65 has the most bass of any of the Celestions so it will be interesting to see how they go in the ED.

I used to love high breakup speakers but I now favour c90s and v30s with Mesa amps, simply because the tone is so detailed that you lose a lot when the speakers start flapping about.

I have never much been interested in getting speakers to breakup, but a single V30 pushed hard by the ED (45W mode) has made me change my mind a little :lol:
I have tried all the above combinations. None of them as good as Scumback M75's for me.

Cheers Rich
Ships to CONUS only =-( I'm in Canaduh. Otherwise I'd be all over that so fast!!

[Edit] I emailed him asking about international shipping. Bracing myself for impact...

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