Best sounding EL84?

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Well-known member
Jun 4, 2007
Reaction score
Greenville. SC
I always thought I was a 6L6 guy until I got my DC-3. I think I rather like EL84s in this amp! That being said, i'd like to put some nice ones in there. I currently have a quad of JJs installed and I have a spare pair of JJs as well as a spare pair of Mesa EL84s, but I want something different.

I've heard of E84Ls being good tubes, but since Mesas are fixed bias i'd be a little hesitant to buy some not knowing what rating I need to be within spec.

These sound promising, but a little pricey (IMO):

What is the general consensus for the best EL84 tube?
I've got Mullards,Telefunkens and GE's and any one of them is miles above the JJ and Mesa EL's.But you know what you gotta do to use NOS in a Mesa amp.I dont have a mesa EL84 amp,just two I made myself,but I would never use a current production in either of them.If you wont or cant mod your amp to adjust the bias you will just have to settle for what you are now using.Check with the guys at the tubestore,maybe they can set you up with those TAD's to match your amp.I've never tried them,but they might suit you,at least it'll be another option from the JJ/Mesa tubes.$32 isnt really too expensive,if the tube sounds good.
I agree completely with Stokes about NOS options, and also about the Boogie bias issue.

I was fortunate enough to get several inexpensive Tungsram EL84 quads that work within the bias range of my Boogie 20/20 - they sound exceptional! Better than genuine Mullard, to my ears (in back-to-back tests, in other, cathode-biased amps). The Tube Store has Tungsram, too, but no matched pairs (drat!); if they did, I would highly recommend them. I also truly enjoy black-plate Sylvania 6BQ5, but they're a bit thicker-toned, and earlier-breakup than most EL84. My favorite EL84 of all time, with gorgeous clarity, is '50s Sittard-made D-getter EL84 ("Miniwatt" or "Amperex") label, but I don't suppose you'll come by them easily. Same goes for black-plate RCA 6BQ5 (rare, but worthy). I'm not too keen on late-'60s through '70s Mullard and Amperex, and don't consider them worth the high cost. There isn't really a consensus, but you can move your amp in a few tonal directions, if you want, with different brands.

JJ is the best current-production I've tried, but I've not sprung for the new Russian "Genelex" ("Gold Lion"), which I suspect may sound better (amongst current-production options). If you do purchase from the Tube Store, they are aware of Boogie's bias ranges, and can select tubes that will work for you - just specify that to them when you order.


- Thom

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