Best multi-effects with a Mesa?

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Elpelotero said:
this is EXACTLY the hardware i needed!

Some questions tho.

*Is there any other unit, just like this, that holds more banks?

*Also, is the gmajor the only rack unit right now (vs rocktron and others) that allows for channel switching? I didnt know it had this feature, but it's sick!

*Last thing, you plug all this into the infamous mesa parallel loops and have no problems? :shock:
I assume you're talking to me? Well, I'll answer your questions anyway. :)

1) The G-Major has 100 Factory and 100 user presets. I get by just fine with about 8. (Some of my patches have alternate functions as listed above). The FCB has 100 presets arranged in 10 banks of 10.

2) As far as I know, the G-Major is the only unit in its price bracket that has two (2) relays for channel switching. Since my F-100 has three footswitchable functions, I had to leave one off which was reverb because I never switched it anyway. So, relay one controls CH1/CH2, and relay two controls Contour ON/OFF. As for how useful two relays will be to you, that depends on your amp. For $150 you can also buy an Axess Electronics CFX4 which is a four (4) function MIDI switcher.

3) The F-series has a great parallel loop that accepts the G-Major with aplomb. I just run the mix @ 90% and it's quiet and transparent. Since the loop is designed for rack FX stomp boxes are hit or miss, but I get excellently transparent tone with the G-Major. Also, the Serial loop mod is quite easy if you ever wanted to try it.
yes i was asking you, but anyone with more efx knowledge than me is welcome....

So if i were to go with the Axxess Electr. unit, which i've looked up but not fully understood, then my setup would be (on a rectifier)

guitar>amp>loop out gmajor>loop in gmajor> ext switching jacks axxess electr>>behringer?

I really have no idea.
Elpelotero said:
yes i was asking you, but anyone with more efx knowledge than me is welcome....

So if i were to go with the Axxess Electr. unit, which i've looked up but not fully understood, then my setup would be (on a rectifier)

guitar>amp>loop out gmajor>loop in gmajor> ext switching jacks axxess electr>>behringer?

I really have no idea.
Close, but it's best to consider the audio, MIDI, and switching paths separately.

Audio path: Guitar => Recto input => Recto FX Send (G-Major Left mono input) => G-Major Left mono out (Recto FX Return) => Recto amplifier output => Speakers.

MIDI path: FCB 1010 MIDI out => G-Major MIDI in => G-Major MIDI out => CFX4 MIDI in

Switching path:
CFX4 Switch 1: => 1/4" instrument cable to Recto CH1 external switch jack
CFX4 Switch 2: => 1/4" instrument cable to Recto CH2 external switch jack
CFX4 Switch 3: => 1/4" instrument cable to Recto CH3 external switch jack
CFX4 Switch 4: => 1/4" instrument cable to Recto Solo external switch jack

If you look at my rig, all you'd have to do is replace the Channel switch cable with the CFX4 (MIDI from the G-Major) and the signal path would be very similar to your setup:

Personally, I have found the best foot controller for use with a G-Major is the Roland FC-200.

The Behringer is painful to program, though it has incredible flexibility in terms of what you can do with it once you figure out the awkward programming interface (or try one of the shareware editors for it).

What I like about the Roland is that with an optional FS-5U switch pluged in, at one button touch, the whole board switches from Program Change mode to Control Change mode, and you then have 10 buttons readily available for turning On/Off numerous effects blocks, Mute, Solo Boost, Bypass, Tap Tempo, etc...

Also when in Program Change mode, you still have one CC pedal for your Tap Tempo (or anything else), plus you have one continuous controller pedal... and the ability to plug in up to six more, though the G-Major only works with somewhere between 2 and 4 (I forget at the moment).

I like the DMC Ground Control Pro but it didn't have enough CC pedals when used in its instant access mode to really take advantage of the G-Major.

If you visit, we reviewed many MIDI foot controllers in our Reviews section and have a great tutorial on the subject of using foot controllers in the Tutorial section. We also reviewed the G-System for those interested.

To comment on the G-System questions in this thread, I think you'll find that the G-System sonically falls in between the G-Major and the G-Force, but programming is as basic as the G-Major (compared to the advanced editing features in the G-Force), but it gives you the ability to control pedal loops. The hardware is quite beautiful, too :p.

I'm actually going to be doing an in-depth review of both the G-Force and G-Major over the next two months so that it will be easy for people to really compare and contrast the differences between all of these products.

Scott, when you say the g system falls sonically between the g major and g force, what do you mean exactly?
Elpelotero said:
you're in ft lauderdale?! i'm 40 minutes down south away from you!
Ha, I actually live in Prembroke Pines, but nobody knows where that is, hence the Ft. L. reference. My band's practice space is in Davie.

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