Best Ideas for effects unit, will use Mesa amp for dist.

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Heritage Softail

Well-known member
Nov 7, 2009
Reaction score
Atlanta Ga
Looking for a good, (gig worthy), effect unit for chorus, delay, reverbs, pitch shifting. Music will be Metal, Classic Rock, Blues-Rock. Thinking about the Eventide PitchFactor unit, ($500) and the TC Nova multi effects unit, also $500. The price point I would like to stay below is $500. I have not been much into effects other than a delay, chorus and Vox wah pedal in the past. Need to get current. Ideas?
If you have a 2 channel amp with a 1/4 footswitch jack, I suggest the GT-8 or 10. You can set up patches with effects and the GT can switch your amps channels for different patches.
You can't go wrong with anything TC. The sound quality is phenomenal, and my Nova delay blows any Boss delay out of the water (I know this from experience). Crystal clear, detailed, and smooth. I'd have to recommend the G Major - it's only about 400 bucks, and it sounds great. You can set it up with a MIDI controller of some sort and it will control your amp as well.
Thanks for the feedback. My amp is a MKV. I also have a Fender Blues Deluxe and old JCM900 2x12 combo. Use those two for stereo effects. It would be good to be able to somehow use the preamp of the MKV out into the other amp B4 the effects peda so it could give the stereo chorus effects with the Mesa distortion. Any ideas on how to do that?
Yeah, use the effects loop out of your Mark V, through the effects, then one side of the stereo effects back into the V and the other into the dummy amp.
Depending how loud and clean your amps are, you could also take one of the stereo effects out to the amps input. I did that a while into the clean channel on a carvin legacy amp. Sounded great.

Heritage Softail said:
Thanks for the feedback. My amp is a MKV. I also have a Fender Blues Deluxe and old JCM900 2x12 combo. Use those two for stereo effects. It would be good to be able to somehow use the preamp of the MKV out into the other amp B4 the effects peda so it could give the stereo chorus effects with the Mesa distortion. Any ideas on how to do that?
Carvin gear looks great. Guitars look worthy of a play but I can't find any used in the stores around here. Maybe people just don't trade them in because they are good or they don't hold value.

---On the effects thing I have tried kind of what you mentioned. That idea is giving the best creative bang for the buck right now. In the MKV, stereo chorus in the loop, back to the MKV and then the other side into a JCM900, my guitar is a JP6 so that is the path for the mag pickup, the piezo PUP goes into a Fender on clean w/some reverb. I have put a volume pedal in front of that piezo signal to control the volume mix. Works great for Candlebox Cover Me type sound. Three amps in a gameroom can be loud. So far that is the best rig I have found. I am thinking of getting a little in line GEQ to use as a volume switch in the MKV path to drop it down for piezo/mag signals.
i use the TC electronic g major and line 6 M13 they are really good effects units with lots of FX choices

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