yeah, actually, they do.
I have only had 2 neighbors complain, in many many years, and that I have been playing guitar. When I was a kid, in my mother's apartment, i cranked my Marshall and my neighbors pictures fell off their wall. I learned to be patient and wait until I had a house to crank it.
when I got a house, I lived in a neighborhood that was very active and loud, lived next to rock stars and famous people, and did not give a hoot.
the 2nd time was the first day I bought a Triple Rectifier Full Stack, and decided to see what it sounded like cranked up. It was in the back yard, but right next to my neighbors window. they came out, said about time you got great tone, but I'm trying to study. I respected them, and decided to move the amps inside the house, where I then was able to crank the hell out of them without bothering anyone.
I'm not spoiled, I just choose the correct environment, in my own house, to do what I please. It may sound rude to some, but if you live in an area where there is enough space between your neighbors, and respect the hours you crank it up, (like not playing cranked up at midnight), there is no reason for anyone to complain.
It's simple really.
Now, as to getting back to the topic at hand...
I'm probably going to be selling one of my cabs off soon to make room for a Mills Afterburner v30xk100 cab.