best boost for liquidy leads on my tremoverb

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Well-known member
Jan 11, 2006
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What boost pedal will give my tele/t-verb rig that nice liquid forever sustain lead when I slam the front end and the amp is already nice and crunchy?
I used the stock Boss Blues Driver for a clean boost on my T-Verb and my Gibson GA30RVS with the amp on high gain settings. It really fattened up the lead with beautiful and smooth dynamics; smoother than any auto wah I've heard.
Barber Tone Press is best device I have found for liquid sustain and not jacking with your tone. It doesn't necessarily add overdrive, but you get the sustain. Couple it with an overdrive and you could hit a note, go out and grab a bite, come back and that thing will still be singing.
I think I'm after a clean boost to just push the amp into saturation. My main crunch tone doesn't have a ton of gain. I want the lead tone to be an extension of that, not completely different, but with a ton of sustain and that liquidy smooth feel... if that part makes any sense.
I've never used a compressor, but maybe I need to check into the Barber Tone Press. I only have enough room on my board for an overdrive or a comp... unless I get a bigger board.
For a "Transparent" type of boost I would recommend the RC Booster from Xotic, Keely Katana Boost, or one that compliments the amp like the Ego Booster from Smart People Effects and the the Java Boost from Keely. Personally like the AC Booster from Xotic, but just personal pref. Good luck on the quest!
A really solid clean boost you might not know about is the Baja Boost. It's a bit like an old Rangemaster, but with a tone knob. Clean, clear, great for pushing your amp over the edge. Not to spendy either.
you can fine a sample of the Barber Tone Press at

Sound bytes are hard to get useful info out of for your own rig, but it's something. Read the reviews on Harmony Central and you'll get the idea. I think many of the reviews are right on the mark.

I'm telling you though it's subtle, but there's something about how it smooths out the tone and adds that bit of sustain that has become a permanent part of my sound on Stiletto (clean and dirty). There are other compressors that will alter things quite a bit - but this one is as they say "transparent". That Blend knob they have on there is what's cool, it's very easy to dial in and you don't have to deal with many knobs. I actually had a hard time finding one. Ended up ordering through a music shop in Georgia. Apparently they are popular.

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