Best amp series...what's yours?!?!?!

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Which series do you like most???

  • Mark

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Caliber

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Rectifier

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Digital Preamps

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Other (please specify)

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
That's a tough one, I put my vote for the Recto series, but the mark is close if not a tie, such different animals. Luckily I don't have to choose which one to play, I just plug them both in. The Triaxis is next on my list, so it may be replacing one or both of them though :D
I agree. You can't really say one Mesa amp is better than the rest, it's more of a "preferance". I chose the Mark because I like the sound and tone more for what I play, I have a Mark IV but I also have a Roak King II and it's an incredible amp as well! Triaxis the next amp on my list as well!!!
Since the rectifier series includes a couple of oddball Dual Rectifiers and I own them both, it gets my vote. I looked for a way to officially vote in the poll but can't seem to find it> Been a long day....anyway, played my Maverick at practice tonight and it was glorious. Will be pulling the Blue Angel into the line up soon. Maybe I will slave the Angel with the Mav, channel switching AND Simul-Link, now that's classy! Almost a Road King but with 2 reverb tanks!! :D :D :shock:
I like Marks for their versatility, plus they are what a "Boogie" always was to me, coming up. Guess they are more familiar to me that way.
For what you listed, I liked the Caliber best.

But I voted Other - the Stiletto series is my favorite. My Ace head is the best amp I've ever had, beating the DC-5, Nomad and Blue Angel amps I had previously (not to mention all the Brand X models I've owned too).
Hey, cool thread. Rectifier seems to be working for me at the moment... Hope I don't turn too many heads seeing as the Marks are up 2:1...
Well no-one can make an educated decision on that unless they'd played every single Mesa amp in a variety of situations with different guitars. The number of people who've done that you could count on one hand. I've only played 4 different Mesa's so I'm in no position to judge and probably never will be :?
I think the top for me is the Mark series (which includes Mark amps, Triaxis preamp, and Quad preamp) but I am on my 5th Rectifier amp which happens to be my second Roadking and I am diggin' it for low volume jammin so far. I can dial the Recto series in more quickly than the Mark series but I prefer the end result of the Mark Series for leads. I also have not used a Recto cab with any of the Recto series amps I've owned.

Now I have to get my hands on a Roadster, Stiletto, and a DC series amp to have a more rounded opinion.

I have primarily used the Mark IV in a band setting because I need variety (R+B, Funk, Blues, Rock) in a compact package.

For me, without a doubt it's the Mark Series, with the Lonestars second.
disassembled said:
I think the top for me is the Mark series (which includes Mark amps, Triaxis preamp, and Quad preamp) Greg
I agree hands down, IMO they are best the Boogies made.
The Mark series is my favorite... I also like the Express and Stilleto. I'm not into the rectifier series personally.

Even if you play every mesa made it is a subjective thing. Sound is all how your own ears hear it. Someone might think my MKIV sounds like poo..... but I doubt it. ;)
I love my Road King, and I love my Quad. But I voted for Rectifiers because they're behind :D. It's hard for me to pick a favorite, it's like kids asking the parents who they love more, kid#1 or kid#2.
Easily the Recto. However I've only played a handful of Mesa amps - Mark IV, an Express, F30 and 2 and 3 channel Dual Recs.
I like the way you phrase the poll: "Which series do you like most???" as opposed to "Which series is the best?" Makes it more of a fun personal preference poll.

After owning a Quad, a TriAxis, a Rect-o-Verb, and a Mark IV, I voted Mark. In fact, I traded the Recto for the Mark.

I did love the Recto and miss the possibility of getting massive crunch. However, I typically used it in the Vintage mode, especially because my band likes to appeal to more than just the metalheads (although I do enjoy the heavy stuff, but we also enjoy having a larger crowd with a lot more girls in attendance). :wink: I also enjoy the singing leads I get out of the Mark.

Haven't tried a Stiletto yet. Eventually I'd like to get one and another Recto, but (fortuantely) my one-bedroom apt already looks too much like a music store warehouse. Limited space helps reduce GAS.


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