bad tube diagnosis

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Sep 20, 2008
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I am trying to diagnose a bad preamp tube but I am not sure what I am listening for.I have a mesa stiletto ace and it is new to me. Should the amp be totallyquiet when the volume is maxed and the gain at fifty % in channel 2 with no guitar plugged in . It sounds like white noise or the ocean . Now I have also heard the squealing and the growling noises which I am fairly certain is a bad tube but how about the other noise?
Thanks .
It's normal to hear white noise, the higher the treble and gain settings the more you'll hear it. So what is the real problem, please explain more !! :D
There are several kinds of sounds that preamp tubes make when they're dying. One is intermittent flurries of noise, one is steady hissing, one is a non-feedback squeel (microphonic), etc. Your description of excess noise would point to a possible preamp tube problem.

Try replacing one at a time, starting with V1 (closest to your 1/4" jack guitar input).

- T

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