back for open back cab - sound difference?

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Well-known member
Jun 4, 2007
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Greenville. SC
I have an open back 1x12 cab and I am debating whether to order a back for it from Mesa, or sell it and try to find another mark series thiele...

I use my current Thiele for practicing and the open back for home (in an apartment). The open back is just too bright and midrangy. I am curious as to what the sound difference will be once the cab is closed, and how it will compare (if at all) to the Thiele cab. The open back cab has a G12H30 in it right now and my Thiele has a Black Shadow. Is the risk of blowing the G12 increased with a closed back due to the air not moving out of the back?

Thanks for any help!
I like the tone of both the open and Thiele run together. The Thiele provides the thump/bass, and the open-back provides the cutting highs and upper mids.

Personally, I wouldn't buy a back for your open-back. Since 1x12 half-back is rather small, without a port, I think it would sound rather bland and kind of muffled without providing any real thump.

The open-backs sound great in a live situation because they cut through the mix so well. That's why I like the old half-back cabs - the closed bottom provides the thump and the open top cuts through like butter.

The open back sounds bright and thin when playing alone, but put it in a band mix and it sounds great.
Yeah, the guy I got the cabs off of ran both the open back and the thiele together, and I agree, this combo is awesome! The dilemma is that I was hoping to be able to keep one cab at home and the other in the practice room , so I would only have to transport the head back and forth. The thiele sounds fine on it's own, but the open back is too cutting and bright by itself. I may just have to get an additional Thiele and use it w/ the open back for home, although that is more sound than I need for an apartment. I wouldn't mind to have 2 thieles though... I'd prob have to sell the open back to afford another though... hmmmm...
Agreed ...Open back + Thiele is a killer combo. I plug my boog combo into my Thiele whenever possible ...not for volume but for girth and combined tone. It's just a beautiful and powerful pairing in not a large size.

I found an '88 Thiele w/ an EV 12L speaker for $300 plus shipping on Craigslist. The guy won't budge on the price. Is it worth it? It is missing the 'boogie' logo, but i can order one from Mesa.

EDIT: I just checked craigslist again, and there is another cab WITH logo, but a little marked up for $200 plus shipping... Might just have to jump on that one...
Thanks for the advise. I'll get a quote and see what he comes back with. I'm waiting on a reply from the seller.

EDIT: Looks like about $30 to ship to Tennessee. Now, if I can only get the seller to get back to me.

How does the EV compare to a Black Shadow in a Thiele? I've got a Black Shadow in my Thiele at the moment. I think it sounds pretty good, but judging from the opinions of others, I will prob want to replace it with an EV after hearing the difference...
MusicManJP6 said:
...How does the EV compare to a Black Shadow in a Thiele? I've got a Black Shadow in my Thiele at the moment. I think it sounds pretty good, but judging from the opinions of others, I will prob want to replace it with an EV after hearing the difference...

No comparison. They are markedly different, to be sure. The Mesa-Celestion is warmer, more mids, less bottom. The EV is MUCH more focused, very large but tight bottom, and a crisp top end ...not a warm speaker, and can pierce like a beam (that's not a complement).

The EV is not the "better" speaker as much as it is a different speaker. IMHO, I don't like the EV on it's own in a combo cab as much as I like the Mesa C90 on its own. BUT, the Thiele cab is much better suited to the EV as the bottom is just tremendous, and the clarity is stunning. I run my Thiele-EV along WITH my combo's Mesa spkr to balance out the tone. Best of both worlds!! But personally I do not like running the Thiele alone (though I know others like it; I do not). Hope this helps you.


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