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Well-known member
Mar 19, 2007
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Middletown, NJ
So i sold a whole bunch of stuff in the last month and finally found an Axe-fx at the right price so i pulled the trigger. Best part is the entire purchase was funded with the stuff i sold.

So i'm planning on setting it up in the 4CM at first and then as i sell more stuff I'm going to get 2 powered monitors to get the full W/D/W setup going.
I'm very interested in hearing what you have to say about the Axe Fx. There was a review of it in Guitar Player Magazine recently about it and I've heard so many people talk about it.

I bet you are excited though!
Turumbar82 said:
I'm very interested in hearing what you have to say about the Axe Fx. There was a review of it in Guitar Player Magazine recently about it and I've heard so many people talk about it.

I bet you are excited though!

yeah i've actually been looking at the axe-fx before i even got the roadster. i was a vetta user at the time and the 1300 (at the time) for the axefx seemed a little much for a product that was brand spanking new and at the time there were less than 20 users. Most were ex-Vetta users and i knew i needed a change. i was always a Mesa guy so i figured since I could afford the Roadster that would be a better direction. only thing was i missed all the FX and no unit has been able to do it for me since the vetta. Soooo... my intentions are first and foremost for the axe-fx to act as my fx process (cheaper than the eventide eclipse and heard it sounds better). If the amp and cab sims are as excellent as the reviewers and fractal users rave about, i will integrate them into my overall rig. Thank god for the RJM RG16 as it will allow me to route this rig any which way i want. At the end of the day i'm hoping for a pretty sweet W/D/W stereo rig.

there will be a review to come. I get it this thursday and have the weekend set aside for some fun :lol:
well i rock a gsystem but i feel you on having your mesa tone with quality effects...kinda like a super kickass vetta
how did you like the vetta? I would like an amp with tons of tones .. and headphone capability... but i'd like to be able to use the 4x12 without then buying a poweramp.

anyone use the axe fx with a 4x12? what poweramp works well with it?

have there been any digital drawbacks? like patches randomly changing?
dmcguitar said:
how did you like the vetta? I would like an amp with tons of tones .. and headphone capability... but i'd like to be able to use the 4x12 without then buying a poweramp.

anyone use the axe fx with a 4x12? what poweramp works well with it?

have there been any digital drawbacks? like patches randomly changing?

vetta is a great amp. will it get you exact replicas of the amps it tries to model? no but that wasnt the point for me. I enjoyed creating tones no one amp could do by combining amps like a diezel and bogner or a mesa and marshall all in one patch. It still doesnt feel like a tube amp but you can get some great tones from it and the effects work **** well.
Ok this review is for my all of 20 minutes playing it during my lunch break today... needless to say I can't get any work done right now because all i can think about is how elated i am... so i'll write a post on my first 20 minutes.

So i unpacked it, hooked up my guitar straight into it and used the output of the axe-fx into the fx return of the roadster. First patch it turned to was a Recto so i through on channel 4 so i could hear the amp sim through the modern power setting. The sound was incredible.... it felt like a tube amp, reacted like a tube amp BUT was not at all a recto. keep in mind this is without any tweaking but the amp sim sounded more like a recto/mark iv hybrid which aint such a bad thing. In fact it sounded amazing and the fact that it wasnt 100% a recto is pretty awesome because what it lacks is the buzz saw sound most hate and wth a less scooped sound. So far so good...

Next i just started going through pacthes.... i love the Brown sound patches and the best one i found so far is the Mark IV patch. I couldnt believe it but it sounded like a Mark IV especially when i turned on my channel 3 so it could use the vintage power mode. I quickly added a little reverb and delay and I was in lead player heaven. So let me put it to rest... the amp sims without any tweaking sound amazing. A believe as i really get to dive in i will be able to conjure some awesome tones that can work side by side with the roadster in a W/D/W rig.

Now the effects. Tonight i will hook it up in the 4CM so i can hear just my Roadster and just the FX without the amp/cab sims. But already just from a few patches and very quick tweaks i can honestly say this unit may have some of the best reverbs I've ever heard from any pedal or rack unit. Reverb when used correctly is suppose to envoke a sense of space and texture and thats exactly what the axe-fx delivers. Its so transparent and natural that even with heavy doses it sounds real to the point i feel like my guitar is being played in a hanger or a cathedral. I can only imagine what these reverbs can sound in stereo. The only other effect i dabbled with is delay and i can say from the little time i had to play the delays are as good if not slightly better than the eventide timefactor i just bought. There is as much flexibility and tweakablity but i find the axe's delays much more transparent and musical (if that makes sense). they don't take over unless you really try hard to set them that way. The one thing i didn't dig on the timefactor was if you set a filter in with the delay, the filter would dominate no matter how much i dialed out.

Again this review is after 20 minutes with it hooked straight through the power section of my amp. I did no amp sim tweaks and only slight tweaks on the verbs and delays. I intend to spend the next couple days really diving and experimenting. one thing i can already say is that most of the hype is for real. Even for an effects processer this thing can hold its own with the big guys (eventide, TC, lexicon) and i would go as far as to say the Axe-fx is better in some ways. Also for the price it can't be beat.
my friend and nextdoor neighbor picked up the ultra about 3 wks ago.

I have played through it just a couple times, and it is quite impressive.

The 'tweakability' is incredible with it.

I bet you are having a blast playing and learning that thing!

Look forward to the 'formal' review.

Have fun!!!
Robusto said:
my friend and nextdoor neighbor picked up the ultra about 3 wks ago.

I have played through it just a couple times, and it is quite impressive.

The 'tweakability' is incredible with it.

I bet you are having a blast playing and learning that thing!

Look forward to the 'formal' review.

Have fun!!!

still at work waiting for 5:30 to hit so i can go home... take the dog for a run and spend the whole night playing :twisted:
Just wondering did you get the Axe Fx or the Axe Fx Ultra?

I was reading about the difference between the two and the Ultra is quite a bit more costly and supposedly has more power and a few more effects.

I imagine the Axe Fx has more than I'll ever need though
Turumbar82 said:
Just wondering did you get the Axe Fx or the Axe Fx Ultra?

I was reading about the difference between the two and the Ultra is quite a bit more costly and supposedly has more power and a few more effects.

I imagine the Axe Fx has more than I'll ever need though

i got the standard. The ultra is $2000 vs the Standard at $1500. I've seen the Ultra used go for around 1700 and the standard used around 1250-1350. In my eyes for what you get its still a better option than the Eventide/High End TC Electronics because it sounds just as good (if not better), can be used as your preamp if you desire, has incredibly flexibile routing options and is the same price if not cheaper. Actually you will not find anything that sounds as good or is more powerful than the standard in that price range. I scored mine for about 1300 and if you look at something like the TC Gforce or G System (which are slightly cheaper used), the Axe-fx blows them away in terms of flexibility and sound. Now if you look at the used Harmonizer which sound incredible (and are price similarly used) your getting 10+ year old technology, the routing isnt as flexible and it does switch patches fast so your held back in a live situation. The eventide stuff is great but at the end of the day them being not built soley for guitar is their downfall for a guitarist because integrating them into your rig can be somewhat complicated.

In terms of comparing the standard and the ultra your really just getting more internal memory in the ultra which allows for some more complex effects algorithms. On the standard if you were to design a patch with 2 amps, 2 cabs, and 2 of whatever effects you put in your chain you run the risk of clipping the memory usage. People that run the axe-fx as their "amp" run into this problem mostly because they run a FRFR system and use the axe to simulate everything that a standard amp/cab setup does naturally. Nothing wrong with that (and it sounds awesome when done right) but that requires more memory or CPU headroom. Thats where the main difference in price comes from between the Ultra and Standard.... the additional effects are in the Ultra because it has the CPU headroom that allows it to run very complex algorithms.
here's another semi-formal review:

So i played around with it for about 5 hours straight last night. Started getting comfrotable getting through screens and tweaking things. The layout is very well thought out and once you figure out what each button does, navigating is a breeze and tweaking is intuitive. What i like about the unit is it can be a simple or complex as you make it. You don't need an engineering degree to get a good sound, mostly because the factory presets sound great. Nothing is overly drenched with effects but with a few tweaks you can go from bone dry to almost an organ like sound... actually that was the one of very few "weird" presets but it was awesome. I've never heard an effect emulate an organ that well... very fun. i think the fact that i spent 5 hours playing is a testiment to how great the unit is. I found myself at times jamming on a patch for 30-45 minutes at a shot and almost forcing myself to move on. needless to say i only made it through about half of the factory presets.

I'm calling this a semi-formal review because while i spent a good deal of time last night playing i haven't setup the 4CM yet and i haven't created my own patch yet which to me is the true test of this unit. I will however be doing that today ... i need to get a usb to midi cable so i can upgrade the version to the latest one and so i can install the PC editor so i can build the patch on my computer. I think the fact that the editor makes it that much easier to build tones is kind of like the icing on the cake. So look out for THE formal review by next week as this weekend is Axe-fx weekend in my house.
Thanks for the detailed description between the two and thanks for the semi-formal review.

All of the demo's I have heard sound really good but it's good to hear someone's opinion about it and from your other posts I know you know good tone when you hear it.
Ya, the ability to get new patches is incredible.

Jerrod, my bud with the Ultra, and a friend of his in Seattle send 'patches' that they create back and forth to each other quite often.

He also has a true 'stereo' set up with 2 different (physical) cabs, and the delay/chorus/ponging effects he has set up are quite fun indeed.

Dang, I think I am talking myself into "needing" one of these. LOL.
Turumbar82 said:
Thanks for the detailed description between the two and thanks for the semi-formal review.

All of the demo's I have heard sound really good but it's good to hear someone's opinion about it and from your other posts I know you know good tone when you hear it.

Thanks for the praise. I'm about knee deep in this thing and i'm still scratching the surface of what it can do. I'm going to wait to cover the tone of the unit for the formal review, but what i do want to share is how amazing the flexibility is. What i mean by that is using a usb/midi cable, i'm able to not only update the firmware but build each patch on my computer using the editor which is one of the best editors i've ever used. Not only that but as Robusto pointed out the fractal community is awesome with sharing patches and given the axe-fxs ability to import patches with ease, you get an amazing pool of tones to work with. To me its having that type of sharing ability is amazing... I know it isn't new but i find the editor and patch sharing even better with the axe-fx.

BTW, I've never heard the stock patches in a unit ever sound this good. Even the crazy patches are usable and musical. This unit will go down as a catalyst for the industry. You will always have people that just need a guitar, amp and cab, but i think this unit and the future units it inspires will allow guitarists to create sounds you will never get from a traditional setup
ok so on to the formal review... keep in mind this unit is extremely editable and it has so many options its going to take any tweak novice (which i consider myself) a while to truly "know" a unit like this. I also look back to the last year and a half with the roadster, and realize it took my some time to truly know all its in and outs and have learned more techniques to get the best tone out of it, which includes improving my playing and the use of eqs and ODs. So onto the review:

Amp Sims:

This topic usually scares tone freaks and strict tube guys. The Axefx to me is as close as I've heard to accurate, true amp simulation. This goes not only in terms of the tone and feel but also the controls of the amp. The recto and mark sims (which i'm most familiar with) really work the way the amps controls work. The only difference and the biggest hurdle for me so far is how they model the power amp sections. That part of the simulation is the "magic" of this unit and provides the tube like feel that everyone raves about. There is a lot to tweak and when your using a tube power section to amplify the axe's signal you really dont get the true magic. What i mean by that is if you have the axe hooked up to a tube power section, it will color the tone like it does naturally.

Now if you leave the power amp part of the amp sim on you actually modelling a tube power amp then sendingt hat into the real thing... naturally every amp model sounds very similar to the power amp you using which is why a lot of axe users that use it for their entire tone use power monitors or a SS power amp and very flat sounding cabs. My impression of this is if it sounds this good in a non-optimal setup i can only imagine what it will sound like letting the axe's amp sims do what they're inteded to do.

As far as the variety, its truly amazing. Any tone you can think of is there in the stock patches and stock amp sims. the true beauty is if you know how to tweak the pre and power amp sections of the simulation you can create awesome new tones. Now consider the fact you can use 2 amp sims at the same time and the fact that there are so many parameters that you can tweak, you can gte just about any tone... awesome option for guys that need a lot of different tones for covers. i can't really talk to if all the amp sims are accurate, but i will say they all sound good. the best part is it seems with each firmware release you get some new amps added to the mix, so in a few years who knows what this thing will be able to do.

Cab Sims:

My experience in the past with modellers is mostly with the L6 Vetta. My gripe then was the cab sims always seemed to sound "blanketed" and seemed to model to fall short in their accuracy. The Axe does an incredible job with this and the cabs all sound full and alive. Now keep i'm using the cab sims in a less than optimal setup. Like the power amp, in my setup i'm modelling the cabs in the axe and then sending the signal through the real thing, basically coloring the tone with both a cab sim and an actual cab. I found for my setup the best thing was to just take the cab out of the chain in the axe and let my cabs do what they do. So if you like the way your cabs sound and dont need different types just turn them off... i do whoever can't wait to try the axe through a pair of qsc hpr122is to hear the cab sims doing what they're meant for. overall impression, the cab sims dont have the inherent "blanketed" sound and feel of units like the L6 stuff which is a huge plus, but unless your using the axe in the right setup, you probably wont use them.

The fx are pure magic in the axe-fx. They are extremely transparent if dialed in that way or can make your guitar sound like an organ if dialed int hat way. The possibilities seem endless as each effect has tons and tons of parameters to tweak. The best part is if you arent a tweaker, the fx stock sound awesome and the main controls are setup exactly as you would expect. for the tweakers there are additional pages of options that allow you to add fx (like filters to time based effects), additional eqs (to drives), and routing options (series vs parrellel, mono vs stereo). The best part for both the tweakers and non-tweakers, there is the axe editor for you PC or Mac that makes it stupid easy to build and edit your patches. All the parameters are there and allows you to do very fine tweaking for the tweakers and for the non-tweakers it just makes it easier to edit because your using a big PC screen instead of the axe's LCD. I'll try and break down the fx the best i can... keep in mind i'm somewhere between a modest fx users to a fx junkie depending on the effect.


Let me start by saying I'm a reverb junkie. I've always been drawn to very wet, atmospheric music (think APC's Judith or Radioheads Pyramid Song). The main issue i have with most reverb pedals and rack units is that they sound fake or sound muddy when you dial in too much verb. this unit delivers in spades... reverbs are natural sounding, and always seem to have a very transparent tone even when dialed in super wet. bets part is my Roadster still sounds like my mesa even with massive amounts of reverb... you can hear every note and my guitars natural sustain while behind it you have the reverbs doing very natural swells.

The variety of reverbs and how they work with the other fx is absolutely golden. There are a few patches that had a bunch of delay and harmonizer fx in conjustion with the hall reverbs really got me going. In the 4CM, i just removed the amp and cab sims to use just the fx blocks and the stock patches were perfect... no tweaking just playing and creating. If someone got this unit just for the reverbs it would be well worth it.


Like with reverb i have been known to use quite a variety of delays and use them often especially for leads and clean passages. I wouldnt call myself a purest in the least when it comes to using effects, especially delays, because they add that atmosphere that i love. Before the axe i was using the eventide timefactor which is an amazing unit. My biggest fear was the delays wouldn't live up to the eventides but that was pure folly on my part. The delays in the axe are just as flexible (actually a little more) and UNLIKE the timefactor sound very un-digital and a lot more analog. They will only color your sound if you dial that in using the filters and again (this is a trend with the fx in the axe) are very transparent if you need them to be. The coolest delays i've found so far are the circular delays and a ducking delay that actually works!! Also like reverbs you can add a who lot of filters, pitches and tail configuartions that i've never seen in other units outside the high end TC stuff and the Eventide harmonizers. Again if someone were to get this just for the delays it would be more than worth its price tag.

OK i need a break... to be continued.
Ok now onto some of the other FX


I'm not a big phaser user unless its very suble and i found more than enough phasers in the axe for my use. What i enjoy most about it is how lush it sounds, especially for open chords. Not much else to say, maybe someone who uses more phaser could add a better perspective.


Like phaser i'm not much of a flanger user but I do enjoy the EVH brown sound patch with his signature flanger. Very cool for heavy rhythms and i can see myself actually using that patch alot as you can still make out every note and the flange just adds a texture as most effects should. Again i would say someone who is more of a flanger user might have a more worthy opinion. For me to actually like a flange effect means a lot.


Let me preface this by saying I like a subtle chorus and my favorites all time are the chorus in the JC120 and the carl martin chorus XII. Well you can now add the axe-fx to that list because it delivers the JC120 chorus in spades (for a more suble chorus) and the carl martin type chorus for something a little thicker. Keep in mind i only use chorus mainly for clean stuff and sometimes a lead sound but nothing overly crazy.


Here's where i found my biggest gain. I have the maxon ge601 in the loop of the roadster and while i could dial in the right chug, i couldnt use that eq setting for aything else. So i was always stuck just using it for rhythm, chuggy sounds. Now i can dial in one eq for cleans, one for rhythms, one for leads and just about anything else i can think of. The really cool part is using the parametric eq which i found retained more of my amps sound while still letting me dial out certain frequencies. I think the axe just replaced another one of my pedals :D


Ok here's the fx that fall short in the 4CM. I found the drives somewhat wanting when using them in the 4CM but they sounded great when using the axe as your preamp using the amp sims. In the 4CM things just dont sound as good as my OCD, so while i hoped in some way i could have the axe replace another pedal, not so much. I will however keep giving them a chance because i have a feeling i'm just not using them correctly. The issue i'm hearing is the lack of additional harmonics i get from the OCD. Anyway, the drives aren't terrible but for leads and tightening the recto for rhythms i find the OCD better suited, although the FET Boost using the clean channel sounds awesome and the Tape Distortion is very cool.

Formant Filter:

Very cool effect i never used before. It emulates vowels sort of like a wah but lets you change the vowel sound (ooo, eee, and ahhhh) and you can morph between them using an expression pedal. I guess the best comparison is a talkbox except you dont have to look like your doing something indecent to use it :wink:

Pitch Shifter:

Outside an Eventide I've never heard pitch shifting like this. The tracking is nearly perfect (nothing beats a true harmony with 2 guitarists) and the intelligent harmony is just plain awesome. I cannot wait to hear these harmony patches in stereo with one harmony panned hard left, the other hard right and my dry root in the middle. The octave divider is cool for some evil sounding rhythm lines (think The Rose by APC) and crystals are very cool when you add them to reverbs and delay tails, its very The Edge from U2. What impresses me the most is these type of effects can sound very cheesy very easily but all the stock patches with these sound good and once you tweak them they sound even better. I haven't had a chance to try the whammy but i've heard its very true to the original XP100.


Tremolo in this thing sounds so good. I tend to use a very soft tremolo but you definitely can get that Boulevard of Broken Dreams type hard tremolo. The stock patches that use the tremolo sound amazing especially the ones that use lots of reverb and pitch shifting.

Thats all the fx i've gone through so far and let me tell you, even if this was just an FX unit it would be worth the $1500 they go for new. What i like about it the most is nothing is over the top unless you tweak it that way. Most of the stock patches are usable and most are very musical. There are very few that are there to show what the unit can do and evn those are pretty **** cool and could be usable for the right guy. Again i feel like i've only scratched the surface of what this unit and am not using it right now in the most optimal setup to make use of the amp and cab sims. Also take into consideration I wouldnt consider myself a pedal guy because most dont have enough to tweak and i need too many to do everything i need them to do. If i were playing gigs again i would definetly use the axe and a personal monitor and go straight into the mixing board. Less to lug around, much easier to setup and tone that meets my standards.

At the end of the day there will always be guys that just need an amp and a few pedals to get there sound. There are also some guys that need units like this. Then there are the rest of us that are somewhat in the middle. If your a guy that doesnt need much more than an amp or a pedal or two to get your tone, i think the axe-fx might not be worth it. if your your a guy that needs a ton of sounds and a ton of fx and need them to sound top notch, i think the axe-fx is a great fit as its a very comprehensive yet intuitive unit that delivers great tone. If your in the middle and love your tube amp but need a a great fx unit that sounds great and has lots of routing options i would take a good hard look at the axe-fx.... there are other units that could give you the same fx but i bet none sound as good as the axe-fx :wink:

In closing... i'm now a believer and consider the axe-fx one of the best purchases i've ever made.

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