Are ya feeling spongy or bold?

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It depends on the song. That's why they give us a switch. :mrgreen:

Seriously, if I were just a set-it-and-forget-it guy, I would have bought a Marshall. The reason we buy these switch-happy amps from Randall Smith is because they are so tweakable. If you're going to spend that kind of money, IMO it should be more than a one-trick pony. How I set that particular switch depends not only on the given song, but also on what other equipment I'm using.

If I'm running a fat but dark overdrive in front, I might be more likely to use Bold to give the bass some percussion and provide some headroom. If I'm running an OD with a tighter bass, I might use Spongy to give it some lushness and a fuller harmonic bloom.
Bold for me. The only time I take it off Bold is if I want to record something specifically on Spongy. Live with the band, it's all Bold, all the time.
My ears must suck although I have only had my Dual for less than a week but I swear I do not hear a huge difference b/w the two...

The difference is not as apparent at bedroom volumes, but becomes quite noticeable at gig levels. The Bold setting offers more headroom, so offers more clarity in heavy single-note riffs and fast palm mutes. It also provides a more percussive quality to the bass notes. The Spongy setting breaks up earlier, and therefore offers more overall harmonic distortion. It also offers fatter chords and beefier single notes, the latter of which is good for soloing. Both settings offer some very cool tones if you play to their strengths.
s on what I'm playing.
Spongy with Rectifier tubes. I currently have my Triple loaded with 4 EL 34s and 2 Rec tubes.

To my ears Spongy is more for classic guitar sounds whereas Bold is more for Modern type guitar sounds. Im with the above I dont hear a huge difference even at gig levels.

I hear more of a difference with the Rectifier in or out.

I leave mine in the the whole time, but for more modern aggresive tight guitar rythyms I think the Silicon setting works better.
Always been bold on my Dual Rec ...

Now I've taken 2 of the 6L6's out to drop it to 50w ... I've left both rectifier tubes in ... So I guess my bold is now even bolder

I occasionally even switch to the diodes setting just to try something different - but this always feels like infidelity - like I'm cheating on my tubes!

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