Are the Groove Tubes 6L6 GE worth the price for my 2:90?

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Jul 24, 2005
Reaction score
Tulsa, OK
I have tried the Boogie 6L6 Russian, 6L6 Chinese, and the Groove Tubes 6L6 Rs. I am considering the GT 6L6 GE but they are very pricey. I would like to hear from someone who can advise me. Also, any feedback on their favorite power tubes like mentioned above would be appreciated.

Rock on Forum
Not trying to be smart about it, but isn't there two Mesa labeled Chinese 6L6s? Don't remember the STR numbers now though...

I think I'll hang around here for input. I was looking at the Groove Tubes 5881 - if my Fifty/Fifty will accept it that is. I've found the biggest decisive and limiting factor is the plate voltage of the amp.
Unless Groove Tube changed them drastically,I did not care for the GE 6L6's..
A couple of matched quad sets of SED wing C's will do more for you and get you there price wise for the cost of 4 GE's.
Call Dougs Tubes.....he has the Boogies nailed down to what matches,handles plate voltages,is good sounding for non adjustable bias amps...etc.

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