Are EV / C90 Thiele Cab Dimensions the same?

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Well-known member
Aug 4, 2006
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NW Indiana, USA
I've read that Thiele cab dimensions are based around the speaker that's going to reside in it and are designed specifically for that speaker. Is this true? Do the EV and C90 Thieles cabs have the same exact dimensions and specs?

The reason I ask is because I'm considering buying a Mark IV combo with the EV. I also plan to pick up a C90 loaded Thiele cab and swap the speakers to save weight on the combo. However, I don't want to put an EV inside the C90 Thiele if it isn't designed to go in there. Anyone know for sure about this, or should I give Mesa a call?

Thanks for any help you could give.

The Thiele dimensions are the same and were base around the design of the 12L. Swapping the speaker to a C-90 would be no problem. You will not have any trouble as the EV's basket is a monster in comparision to the C-90. The screw holes will mount of the same as well.
Thanks, I was more concerned about differences sound-wise though. What I meant to ask, was the EV Thiele cab designed for the EV and the C90 cab designed for the C90. If so, would swapping one speaker for the other not be as beneficial as having it in the cab it was originally designed for?
So, the cab is the same, just different speakers are used? I was under the impression that there were different Thiele specs for individual speaker characteristics, but maybe that's not the case. ???
The thiele cabs that Boogie makes are based on designs that EV provided for the EVM 12, 15, and 18 inch speakers. The cab specs are optimized for the EVM speakers. You are correct there are different specs for different speakers. The Celestion 90 would have different specs than the EV. So in a perfect world a thiele cabinet designed for a Celestion 90 would be a different size than one for an EV. That said a Celestion 90 in a Mesa thiele cab that's actually designed for an EV sounds pretty darn good. So if it sounds good to you go for it.
I really have no way of trying one out as no one stocks them in my area. Are the newer ones still designed around the EV even though they don't use them anymore?
I've read that Thiele cab dimensions are based around the speaker that's going to reside in it and are designed specifically for that speaker. Is this true? Do the EV and C90 Thieles cabs have the same exact dimensions and specs?

The Theile parameters are different from one one driver to another. In Mesa's case the cabs, for th EV vs. C90, can have the same cubic dimensions but may require a different port size. From the others comments here is sounds like Mesa just substituted the C90 for the EV when production of the EV ceased. If this is the case this is a win situation for you as you want to put the EV in the Theile and the C90 in the combo. Smart move IMO. If you find the the cabs are tuned differently you may just need to alter the port for your use.
Just wanted to give an update. Mesa customer service told me that the Thiele cab dimensions have not changed, even though they switched to the MC-90. So swapping in an EV, should sound the same as the original cabs.