Anyone Using a Thiele Cab w/ Their Road King?

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Well-known member
Jan 25, 2005
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I'm pretty sure I'm going to build 2 Thiele 1x12 cabs. I have an RKII and a Carvin Legacy. Just wondering if anyone runs an RK through a Thiele.


I run two thieles with my Roadster and love it. I would definitely recommend them for a recto! ToneAddictJon mentioned how an EV loaded thiele will keep a recto from being too fizzy because an EV is not nearly as harsh in the high end as a V30. He was right! No fizz here! I wouldn't get rid of my thieles for a recto cab at this point...

Others claim the thieles sound too 'boxy', but I disagree. I love them with the Roadster...

I wish the tolex on my vintage thieles matched the Roadster, but no biggie...

EDIT: You might see if you can get the specs from a fellow boogie member for a wide body thiele he made. I would love to have two thieles that were the width of my Roadster so I could stack them... :twisted:
I have run my DR through my Thiele and it sounded pretty good with the EVM. has some really nice ported designs. Their designs are based on this book:

They had some pretty good video clips of their cabs in action a while ago. Hopefully they'll put them back up.
I love 1x12's with my DR, I use one thiele and one open back (both with EV's).
MusicManJP6- glad you're digging them too and glad I could help.
i think the theile sounds good with everything. (maby i'm biased, but they really do) i would encourage anyone to try one (ev loaded of course) even if it is't one of mine (or better yet build your own!!). i even tried one through a friend's hot rodded fender princeton. it's basically an 18 watt marshall thing now. it totally kicked. instant van halen. then we hooked the internal speaker back up. he said "****, i thought this sounded great about an hour ago". not a fair comparison by a long shot, but fun.

bottom line, imo the only thing that sounds better than a thiele is two thieles. again i do sell them but i also love them, and encourage anyone to build their own. anybody who needs the plans pm me for the link.
I hope I don't sound too stupid, lol, but is a Theile cab just the way a cab is designed? Plus, what are EV speakers. Does that stand for Electrovoice? I currently have a Roadster and a 4x12 Recto cab.


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