Anyone use a compressor?

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Jun 5, 2008
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Playing through a mesa roadster, just wondering if any of you rectifier players use a compressor? how if any does it change to the tone?? if so any recommendations. I can get a good deal on an ibanez cp9 made in japan. Nevr really used a compressor before.

Thanks in advance.
I used to use a Behringer compressor (one of the boss rip offs) and even though it was a little cheap peice of **** it was good to keep the crunchy sound of the attack sustaining longer. I didnt really need the ringing out to go longer... its a rectifier. hahahaha.
I do on the clean channel and sometimes on the Orange channel when I roll down the volume on the guitar and need a fat dirty rhythm sound. The one I use is the TC Electronic Vintage compressor, but I also have an old MXR. It does change the tone a little bit so I use it sparingly and only during certain songs, so I guess that you could say I could get by without it.
I have more fun with a BB-Preamp than the comp, but thats just me.

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