Anyone try chaning reverb tanks in a Rect-o-verb?

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Well-known member
Apr 3, 2007
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Coaldale, PA
I have the series 2 Rect--o-verb and to my ears the reverb is tinny and artificial sounding. It has the 6-spring, long decal style tank. Does anyone here have an educated opinion whether or not a 4-spring / medium (or short) decay would sound smoother & warmer in a recto?

Thanks in advance.
Maury said:
I have the series 2 Rect--o-verb and to my ears the reverb is tinny and artificial sounding. It has the 6-spring, long decal style tank. Does anyone here have an educated opinion whether or not a 4-spring / medium (or short) decay would sound smoother & warmer in a recto?

Thanks in advance.
The reverb tone is mostly due to the SS driver circuit which is the same as the one in my F-100. They both already use the longest, deepest tank available. The only way to increase the depth or tone is to mod the driver/recovery circuit.
lately a lot of these threads are opened, makes me wondering...

But I second the opinion of hal9000, but please experiment and post your findings here. If any succes we can all benefit from that. If not, I can say "I told you so" and my ego and arrogance gets boosted. Either it's a win win situation =)
Im with you guys about the ROV's reverb being a little lack luster.
I not too sure if anything can be done to change it though. I believe its got the largest reverb tank available,,,I think?
I tried the new 5:50 yesterday and couldnt wait to try the reverb on it because of the reviews and knowing its tube driven. It is better than the ROV'S reverb but nothing what I pictured. I guess with the ROV im going to wind up using some external effect for reverb if I want that lushness.
Im wondering if anybody has ever just tried the peavey JSX combo and its reverb? I tried it a few weeks back and the only thing I liked better about it than my ROV was the reverb. It was deep and watery. I was shocked how nice the reverb sounded. Does anybody know what that combo uses for reverb? I assume its also tube driven like the 5:50 but much nicer.
Thanks guys ... I understand your point about the tank already being the largest size and longest decay time... I'm just wondering if that automatically equals "better". I'm curious to whether or not a shorter decay time and 4 springs (instead of 6) might sound less "clanky" with less repeats.