igfraso said:
maybe you can give some precious advice here.
I understood that the inner pair is the safer place in a 60/100 watter and, if you have tubes that are not that strong, that is the place to put them.
Following that logic, I placed my MESA STR-425 in the inner pair and they sound very well.
Should I put them in the outer sockets? Or should I remove them from the amp and never use them again unless I use a quad of STR-425?
Best regards
The inner outer issue is only for Simul Class amps. They run different bias voltages and the outer pair is hotter.
In a 60/100 the bias is the same across all four. Most people opt for matched quads of the same tube as they will draw the same
bias and have the same natural current draw. Now, that is what most people do, but i've seen a guys have four different 6L6's
in a IIB and it still sounded great. The question in choosing tubes for a push-pull 100W is difficult to really answer because
a lot of people swear by matched quads only, but their is sometimes a little black magic in a slight mismatch.
The safe answer is to have all four of thew same tube type and color code.