For some time the only 6L6 you could buy from Mesa was the STR-430 which was a Sovtek 5881 WXT.
The basic difference from the STR-425 was a taller base. Both the 425 and 430 are a 30W tube and are safe to run
in Simul's, 60's and 60/100's, The difference between NOS 6L6WB's or Tung Sol's is they were a true 25 watt tube.
With these, the plate voltage is not a huge concern nor is the IIC+ bias. The real issue would be what power transformer you have.
For a 105 you may not get the lifespan with up to 493V, but with a 100, X100 or X101 you will have a much lower plate voltage around 440V
much like the MK IV.