Anyone else run the mids at ~10 on their Mark IV

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Well-known member
Dec 20, 2007
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I run the mids at 9 or 10 on my Mark IV on both channels with the bass up at 4-5 on the lead.

Flamesuit on but otherwise it sounds very thin compared to my Marshalls.

I do use a cab with Celestion 65s which have an ultra tight bass which allows me to do this with getting flubby. It gives a brilliant metal tone. I tried the same with V30s and it was like BLUURRRGGH and I couldn't get a sound that I liked.

Just wondering if anyone maxes out the mids? I still use a midscoop in the eq but not too crazy.
Do you play sludgey stoner metal or what? hehe

That is some pretty hefty low-end gain... with mids maxed and bass on 4 or 5... I'm surprised you can even tell what the eff is going on. I DO know that the mid knob on the MKIV is pretty tame, I sometimes run it at 10 myself, but my bass knob never leaves 0 or 0.5

How loud do you play?
For me it's between 8 & 9 on the mids (lead channel) but 1.5 to 3 on the bass, if you haven't, try using the good old EVM12L... :wink:
I have an EV12L, problem is I need 3 more :) It's in a thiele and it just can't compete with a big cab.

It's true that I do move the bass to more like 3-4 than 5 when I turn up the volume.

I think it's down to the speakers, it doesn't get mushy, just fat :)
I run mids on lead at about 8. And recently Ive gone from the classic v on the geq to actually boosting the 750 just a hair. I dont know whats wrong with me, for some reason it just sounds good all of a sudden. 8)
mids at 3 - 4, bass no more than 2, each to their own though. I have the combo, so i would think the the thiele has way more balls especially with the bass at 4 - 5. Whatever works...
I usually keep the mids on all my amps pretty high. In my opinion, that's where all guitar tone lives, in the mids. I never understood the whole "scooping the mids" thing. I think it scoops all the tone out.
BMcNibbnles said:
I usually keep the mids on all my amps pretty high. In my opinion, that's where all guitar tone lives, in the mids. I never understood the whole "scooping the mids" thing. I think it scoops all the tone out.
When you scoop the mids you accentuate the lows and highs so your sound still has body but as a reformed "scooper" I have found that with the mids slightly boosted you get a lot more bark to your tone. And the leads just scream.
When you have a very middy guitar like lets say a les paul, with very middy pickups, Such as bareknuckles cranking the mids isnt always the best route, Like everything else it matters on the guitar, cab, pickups etc.
Yeah, that's true. I just don't understanding when people go out of their way to scoop the mids. I understand that not every guitar needs to have the mids boosted on an amp, but to intentionally remove them is perplexing to me. Unless you play Death Metal, I guess. LOL
BMcNibbnles said:
Yeah, that's true. I just don't understanding when people go out of their way to scoop the mids. I understand that not every guitar needs to have the mids boosted on an amp, but to intentionally remove them is perplexing to me. Unless you play Death Metal, I guess. LOL

You gotta love that mid vocal quality on leads!
The Mark series tonestack is practically identical to a blackface fender TMB tonestack. There is a cool little program you can download from Duncan amps that lets you tweak the tonestack and see what the resulting EQ curve looks like.

To get a fairly flat response out of the tonestack, you run the treble all the way down, the mids all the way up, and the bass at about 0.5 (between 0 and 1). The mid control on the Fender style tonestack is somewhat weak and depends heavily on how high the treble control is. Its "center" frequency sweeps depending on the treble setting. The treble at 10, the mid is centered at about 300Hz. With the treble at 6 or 7 (very common setting for me anyway), the mid is centered at about 400Hz. The mid shifts to about 1kHz when the treble is way down between 1 and 2. Its attenuation range is fairly limited too. With "normal" bass and treble settings, it sweeps about 10db or so total.

Keep in mind, this is a pre-gain tonestack. Running the bass high here will result is fart-tone-city. Better to use the graphic EQ to push the bass up higher. This is one of the most powerful aspects of the Mark IV. You get both pre and post gain EQ to tailor you sound is many ways.