Anyone else fatigued by the "recto sound"?

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Cowbell Fever

Apr 2, 2007
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Chugga...chugga chugga..........fizz. I wonder if many of these "new metal" bands shouldn't give up guitar and further mine Spinal Taps all bass Big Bottom vein. Talk about a killer dropped tunings.
hey, as long as everyone plays the music they want to hear. to each their own. i use my rectos to play softer pop rock. believe me when you turn the gain down below noon the recto can sound quite nice. but never forget tube with spongy tho. and if you are playing a 200 dolla gee-tar with some 20 for 1 ghs strings you are doing yourself a big diservice.

all this to say it is not the recto. just the rect-tite. :lol:
I agree with the tuning down the gain. Find myself playing with less and less gain. I am also totally in love now with the pushed channel. Modern channel has not been used this whole year yet. But raw either.
like I said in another post....the age of the DR as the prominent rock amp is slowly starting to fade.........A new manufacturer has to establish the next "fad"
yes but who ? everyone is still trying to copy the rect. and i played the new marshall vintage/modern last night and if you think a dual rect is buzzy and fuzzy, then you won't like this one. i bought my first recto in 92 and i still love them. it is more than just the sound, they are just plain easy to use.

but in the same sense i hope something new comes out. can't wait to buy more stuff. :lol:
Changing cabs with a Rec will certainly alter the available tones as well.

I used to use a 2 channel Dual Rec with a 3/4 open back 1x12 Mesa cab with the Celestion Black Shadow.

I got every Classic Rock tone that I wanted.

We played everything from Alman Bros to Tool and I got it all from a tiny setup and a great guitar.

It's all in how you set the knobs and switches. I think the Rec has been king for so long because of all the available options, and like somebody else said, it's just plain easy to use.
The longer I mess with Rectos the more versatile I realize they are. When I was not as good of a player I didn't like them as much now. If your picking hand is flubby a recto will be flubby too.

Marshalls have always been big sellers comparitively. I think you'd be silly to spend $1500 on a DSL when you could spend $1700 on a Dual Recto but that's me. The JVM sounds mildly good. The Vintage Modern I am very happy with.

The guys who want the Boogie Sound still look for boogies (as near as I can tell.)

Anyway if the "recto fad" ends then maybe some of us will be able to pick up an amp for less. How else am I going to afford Mark and Recto tone together? ;)
My favorite amp has been a Soldano Lucky 13 for about 3 years now.

The cleans are better than my 2 Pro Reverbs (1-Silverface, 1-Blackface), and the distortion sounds like a Marshall DSL and a Recto made a beautiful love child together.

BUT!!!!!! It doesn't have a loop, so I always end up using a Mesa in the end.

I have a Blue Angel that has incredible cleans and really nice Overdrive.

A DC-3, DC-5, & DC-10 that sound in-freaking-credible.

A fairly modified Heartbreaker that rocks my world.

And several other amps, but I still want another Tremoverb. The only reason that I sold mine was that I wanted a combo instead of a head. Then I spent the money on gear for our new Music Store and can't afford one now, but I'm just counting the days.

I don't think that you can go wrong with a 2 channel Recto, especially one that has Reverb too :D :D :D
Perish the thought Man! My DR's are exactly that sound that always was in my head. There are many tricks to refining the sound, experiment with the tubes for starters!
I'm pretty fatigued by what's perceived as "The Recto Sound", but then I'm pretty fatigued with modern radio music, anyway.

Rectos can do so much more - especially when you get them away from V30s...
Yeah pretty much still love my setup. It also helps that I use v30 ànd c90 together. Only one or the other pretty sucks.

But indeed, I get really anoyed by the chugga chugga sound, not the recto problem, but more the modern heavy music problem. Almost a thread on its own worthy.
well what do you guys like for speakers then?

i used to have a marshall 1960 cab with celestion GT-75 speakers. not a bad cab at all but i really liked the vintage 30 sound much better...not to mention the mesa cab :wink:
I know exactly what sound you mean,I use a rec. and dont have that particular sound,far from it,its more the way that alot of bands who use the recto's use them in this fashion because they are the best amp for that chugga chug sound,then again they can do soooo much more If ya know how to set them up,if ya just turn the gain bottom and treble fully up and cut back the mids right out stick it through a mesa oversized 4x12" with an EMG equipped axe then yes you are gonna get this sound,thats pretty obvious to me,not if ya run it through a 1x12" thiele cab with a telecaster and really tailor your settings,then again If I played chugga chug music I would still buy a rec. they are the best for that sound and then some,you will be amazed at what it can REALLY do!!!
The chugga chugga was the reason I bought the Recto in the first place. I love the sound I get out of mine, but if you're not into metal, you probably wouldn't like it. I just love having an amp with balls-to-the-wall tone, even if some say that buy getting a semi-scooped tone out if it, that I'm sucking it away :lol: :lol: (my mids run around 11 o'clock +/-) But, it's all good, I'm just glad that Randall made the Rectifier series so that we have this sound to like/complain about \m/

That "chugga chugga" sound is a "style" not the amp.

I got really sick of that "Hair metal" sound in the 80's but I didnt blame Marshall for it.

ALL amps are at the mercy of the player plugged into them. Remember Lindsey Buckinham also plays thru a Dual Rec.

TONS of tones are inside there..... Chugga chugga is only 1 .
Sometimes I get tired of modern hard rock on the radio and other genres that have the classic Dual Rec tones. I just play something on a CD that has Mark tones and I am fine. Sometimes I play a CD of something altogether different like classic metal or classic rock. Even a hairband CD makes it in there sometimes.

As far as amp tones go, I still haven't gotten tired of playing that chugga chugga sound when I get to play on a Rec. Maybe it is because I play a Mark IV most of the time and the rest is on a classic Marshall so I don't have the luxury to get tired of. I have often thought of the Rec as an expensive stompbox that is an effect that is integrated into a decent tube head only you can't get it without buying the attached head. With that in mind mine should be home shortly, finally. Will I get tired of it? Probably not, I have enough amps to keep me from having any one get stale to my ear. If I do grow bored with it or it just doesn't fit in the way I would like it to then I can always sell it and get another Mark IV or maybe save a little more and get a IIC+ :D
The "chugga chugga" is the ONLY outstanding sound in the rectos-all the other tones you can dial in on rectos are not world class, and can be better achieved with other amps. While certainly you CAN use a recto for any type of music, why WOULD you? The clean and low gain recto sounds are...mediocre. The roar is what they are ALL about. Like it or slurp it!