I can +1 the iii+ mod being a good idea as I have a blue stripe combo, GEQ, SIMUL-CLASS
I've posted this in other threads and at the risk of sounding like a broken record/mesa plant, lol, I'll briefly describe my experience with the blue stripe and "iii+" mod
I've wanted a mark iic+ forever. we all have. they're expensive, though.
SO, I bought a Blue stripe mark iii last year and it came in a 1x12 combo setup with a EVM12L speaker inside (from previous user)
The amp sounded like CRAP, to be honest. Like, a chainsaw, haha. Shrill, loud, rough, awful sounding. Like a terrible imitation of a Mark sound. I was heartbroken.
Instead of giving up, I thought "what the hell, I've already screwed the pooch on this investment, why not go all out?...time for a hail-mary!"
SO, I brought the amp to Rich in Petaluma (advantages to living in SF
asked for the fabled III+ mod, hoping for a miracle and he modded it for me, also switching out the "Line out port" for a "R2 volume knob", which was fine with me.
I got home, played it and....it still sounded like poop, but less smelly poop than before. I was slightly encouraged. The sound had been slightly improved, i.e. smoother, fuller, more musical..."slightly" being the operative word, though.
My next step was to replace the godawful EVM12L with a V30.
THAT REALLY changed things even more, and now my amp sounded like it was in the ballpark of Petrucci glory, just not on the same team. It was still weaksauce, but it was MUCH warmer, fuller, smoother, with that beautiful mid spike that the V30 has that accentuates the upper-midrange.
Finally, saying one final "F*CK it, why not", I did a whole lot of forum-scouring and purchased what I thought to be the best NOS preamp tubes for achieving the tone I wanted (some even from germany or england, heh) and I stuck them into my amp in various configurations until I had done it...
I had achieved something glorious. My mark III had now achieved its full potential.
It sounds F*CKING amazing now. I can recreate virtually any Petrucci tone (and I am an audiophile with an incredibly discerning ear, growing up in a musical family listening to classical music, playing multiple instruments, etc). It can be raw, tight, loose, chunky, heavy, smooth, liquid, whatever I want depending on the eq and GEQ settings I choose. I can get SFAM tones, SC tones, Octavarium tones, you name it. I wouldn't go so far as to say that my amp is as good as a Mark IIc+ because it isn;t...but it's quite damn close.
Feel free to ask any questions!
*edit* for extra convincing, if anyone needs any, I will never sell this amp and will do everything it takes to keep it in great condition so I can play until my guitar disintegrates, lol.
The Mark III+ mod is worth it, but it may not be all you need to make your mark iii sound amazing, see my above text for details.
Also, I can get other tones besides Petrucci ones, obviously. Turn down the gain a bit (Petrucci loves his gain) and you can play any metal you want - Periphery, Opeth, whatever. If you have a 7-string there's plenty of twang for djent if you want it too, lol. OH, and the clean channel is great too, only you have to change about 6 different knobs and ruin your lead channel settings to get it, lol :twisted: Also, "Rhythm 2" is useless as it has nowhere near enough gain to play metal rhythms, lol. Oh well, turn down the gain on Lead channel for rhythms