Ive had a Mark V for a couple years now. I just picked the Rectoverb 25 Head with matching 1x12 slant Cab. I LOVE IT ! Very easy to dial in , plenty of power to play with a drummer, cuts through the mix great and has its own tone and feel. Plus its so much lighter and easier to move around. They say the mini and the Rectoverb 25 are the same except for the reverb. I have not played the mini but the ROV 25 is AWESOME !! I think the speaker and cab you choose to pair it with are critical. I tried the ROV combo and thought it was ok for a little combo. Then I tried the head through the 1x12 wide body front ported mesa cab and was not that impressed. I was ready to leave the store empty handed until the sales guy suggested trying the matching closed back cab. Played it for about 20 seconds and I was sold !