any of you have problems with ghost notes on your Lonestar?

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Well-known member
Jan 30, 2005
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hermosa beach california
I have never had this problem with an amp before, and it's really annoying me. When I first got the amp about 2 months ago, I noticed when I would play higher up on the fret board at higher volumes pass the 12th postion it would get this sound were it sounds like 2 notes played? Almost like a harmonizer or something. Its really weird like a really fast slap back delay. Anyway I took it down to the Mesa dudes in Hollywood , and they told me that it was probably something that was rattlling in the room? So to prove me wrong they gave me there trusty "Lonestar" guitar that they seem to use everytime some one tries it out? Thru this guitar I could not hear anything that I was hearing before. So I came to the conclusion that it was my guitar which is fine. Here is the problem with that though. I have noticed that it is doing it with EVERY guitar that I have? I have a custom tele, I just got a new Eric Johnson Sig Strat, and I have a 54 reissue strat with humbuckers in them. I get this annoying ghost notes out of everyone. Does anybody know what I am talking about, and for the record is it my guitars or is it this amp? I was just reading a review on another amp (not mesa) and this guy was talking about the same thing. It just really sucks that I can't ever play high up on the fret board because of this. It makes me just want to get my money back and get something else :cry:
Did you say it worked fine at their shop? If so, it ain't the amp. I would say it is probably something in your enviroment. I have a LSS and at higher volumes it does cause things in the room to resonate. Take it outside, in your garage or to a friends house and see if you get the same thing. It could also be the space you're playing in. you could be getting some sort of "slapback" delay thing going on from your walls/environ. Also, if your space is small and you're playing especially loud, your ears could be fatigued. Also, just for a test, bypass the effects loop and make sure you have the reverb turn all the way off. Just some suggestions. Hope this helps.
It could be something in your room resonating. I had this problem bad in my jam room untill I put up carpet on the walls. I had stuff vibrating and gyrating like crasy.

Also it could be a Tube problem. Todays tubes aint made like they use to be. I just socked a set of new SED EL34's in my Lonestar and one of em was bad right out of the box. It has the bell tinkle like rattle on certain notes and it irrates the **** out of me. I'm sending them back and getting replacements.
Nomad said:
It could be something in your room resonating. I had this problem bad in my jam room untill I put up carpet on the walls. I had stuff vibrating and gyrating like crasy.

When I detune and flog my Recto I can literally see the floor's kinda cool, but it tickles the feet.

I have problems with the stuff I keep in my jam space vibrating too, I just ignore it though. If it bothers you that much, try cleaning out the room and/or putting carpet down on the floor and maybe even the walls.
It aint none of that guys. I just got of the phone with Mesa Boogies customer service and I got to tell you that I am NOT IMPRESSED with there service!!! They told me it could be two things. 1. That it is "Magnetic String Pull". According to him that can be fixed by adjusting the pickups. The second one, and I think this is the problem because it does it with ALL my guitars is a thing called "Speaker Edge Yall"?????????? Has anyone ever heard of this? He told me that there is nothing they can do about this, and that I just have to learn the licks in different postions. So this A HOLE is telling me that I can't play higher up on the fret board? Does this make any sense to you? I just spent over 2000 dollars on a amp and cab from these people and this is the support I get. F@$K THESE PEOPLE! That is just flat out wrong I think.
You should check the grounding on the wall outlet that you are using. Make sure that it's properly grounded. Next check to make sure that the instrument cable you are using is good or try to get a different cable. Make sure that the tubes are correctly positioned into their sockets.
Mesaman said:
You should check the grounding on the wall outlet that you are using. Make sure that it's properly grounded. Next check to make sure that the instrument cable you are using is good or try to get a different cable. Make sure that the tubes are correctly positioned into their sockets.

I appreciate every ones imput, and concerns, but I have this problem any were I take this amp. I had the same problem at home, the same problem at my rehersal space. The tubes have just been replaced. I just got new cables. Its none of that. I had this problem when I had 6l6's, and then I put in EL34'S and the same problem came up? As far as my instrument cables I use George L'S and those are about as good as it gets, so I don't know what it is. I just want the problem fixed because I am trying to record some demo stuff for an A&R guy at Capital Records that is interested in my band, and I am not able to do it because of this :cry:
Where was the amp purchased? The warranty from Mesa Boogie should still be valid. You should be able to return the amp and exchange it for one that doesn't do the ghosting. The amp is clearly defective.
Mesaman said:
Where was the amp purchased? The warranty from Mesa Boogie should still be valid. You should be able to return the amp and exchange it for one that doesn't do the ghosting. The amp is clearly defective.

+1. It's speaker edge yowl, not Y'all. You're speakers are suffering from cone cry.

According to WeberVST:

As the speaker cone is vibrated by the voice coil, it can generate frequencies of its own that may be strong enough to be audible along with the intended note or signal from the musical instrument. These notes or tones may or may not be harmonically related to the intended note, and in some cases may be either higher or lower in frequency than the intended note. This usually means that the voice coil is driving the cone so hard that it is overcoming any damping and is essentially out of control. Sometimes manufacturers use huge magnets and loose spiders so they can win the 'sensitivity ratings' contest, but the result is a system that is difficult to control. Edge yowl is the term used to describe sounds that occur when the surround resonates, imparts energy back into the cone, and generates tones and notes that may or may not be harmonically related to the intended note.

With cone cry you'll often you hear an octave down tone when you play single notes on the top strings above the 12th fret.
"With cone cry you'll often you hear an octave down tone when you play single notes on the top strings above the 12th fret"

That's exactly what it is!! That's great news. So if I got the cab about 3 months ago, they should replace it with another one right? Just for the record I have the 2*12 blue lonestar cab with the black widows celestions in them. If you guys play threw something that may be better let me know. Thanks so much for everyones help.
regotheamigo said:
"With cone cry you'll often you hear an octave down tone when you play single notes on the top strings above the 12th fret"

That's exactly what it is!! That's great news. So if I got the cab about 3 months ago, they should replace it with another one right? Just for the record I have the 2*12 blue lonestar cab with the black widows celestions in them. If you guys play threw something that may be better let me know. Thanks so much for everyones help.

They should either replace the cab or swap the offending speaker(s).
Does the Lonestar have Celestions in them? Maybe you need to put a pair of nice Celestions into that Mesa. Perhaps a different model of Celestions that are currently not stock in the Mesa cabinets.
Good luck with the Mesa. I personally would not buy another amp besides Mesa. I still love my Heartbreaker 2x12 combo. IT ROCKS!
Be sure to print out the quote from Weber & speak to the manager.....I'm willing to bet that the average JAG-OFF in the store won't have the slightest clue what speaker edge yowl is!!!

***For the record, neither did I !!!*** :D

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