Amp Rattle in the Key of E,.. Any Ideas?

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Well-known member
Jan 26, 2007
Reaction score
Sacramento CA
Ok gang,

I just shelled out MAD cash for a LSC and extension cab and I am in love with it. However when I turn up the volume and have the base past, say 12 oclock, and play any E note, it sounds as though my TUBES start rattling. I grabed one today and sure enough it dampened the rattle. Are there any easy fixes to this?

Kinda drives me crazy after spending all that cash that this thing rattles. My old Fender Concert series did the same thing and it drove me bonkers.

All the money I paid for this amp, I feel like it should make my bed for me in the morning AND NEVER rattle.

apparently that specific tube's normal mode is the frequency of the E note you are hitting....

everything has a normal mode. for instance, take a snare drum. if you hit the drum dead center, you get a dull thud. this is because the vibrations of the drum head cancel each other at this spot. hit it a little off to the right or left and you get a sharp bite. this is because at this spot on the drum you are exciting the correct vibrations which complement each other and put out harmonizing frequencies.

this is my only guess so far as to what is going are exciting the tubes normal mode when you hit that E.

or it could always just be a loos tube and lots of volume in the room.
Tube rattle in a combo is something that just comes with the territory. Some are worse than others. Tube rattle can suck. If you don't want it get an open back cabinet and use it instead of the combo speaker. Besides you will only be doing your tubes a favor if you save them form tube rattle. This also will save you some money if you tend to be going through more tubes than necessary and play a lot. You could always get a head cabinet too and use a separate cab instead of staying in the combo.
there are little clamps that some online stores sell that will hold the entire tube. some fender amps have this. you can buy them for cheap online
Sweet. I will look into this for sure.

I noticed that the rattle goes away after the amp warms up, possible due to the heat causing some expansion. I also tried using just my 1 x 12 extension cab plugged in w/o the Combo speaker plugged in. This helped as well. I did notice one of the Tubes making some weird noises when tapped on by my finger, not through the amp, but a little springy sounds when I tap on the tube with the amp off. (not the 6L6, but the 5-somthing (I am at work can't look right now)...all the way to the left when looking in the back)
zappaslaughter said:
Sweet. I will look into this for sure.

I noticed that the rattle goes away after the amp warms up, possible due to the heat causing some expansion. I also tried using just my 1 x 12 extension cab plugged in w/o the Combo speaker plugged in. This helped as well. I did notice one of the Tubes making some weird noises when tapped on by my finger, not through the amp, but a little springy sounds when I tap on the tube with the amp off. (not the 6L6, but the 5-somthing (I am at work can't look right now)...all the way to the left when looking in the back)

Call mesa artist relations . they will call you back . 707 778 6565 . they are closed on fridays . Also remember they are the west coast . Not sure where you are but could be a time difference
Thanks Barry!

You have helped me tons!

Will have to wait till monday to call em.

Love your band site BTW.

I'm about two hours from the Mesa factory out here, so same time zone.

I just read your post about 10 minutes too late.
zappaslaughter said:
Thanks Barry!

You have helped me tons!

Will have to wait till monday to call em.

Love your band site BTW.

I'm about two hours from the Mesa factory out here, so same time zone.

I just read your post about 10 minutes too late.

No Problem, You spent lots of $'s on your amp . The dealer and mesa should make sure you are completely satisfied . I suppose there could be a tube issue . The preamp tube closest to your guitar imput is called V1. Its a crtical tube to your over all tone . Anyhow you can call them and tell them a good time to call you back and they will get back to you . May be a good idea to have your amp set up when you talk to them if possible . Glad you like the band site .
zappaslaughter said:
Sweet. I will look into this for sure.

I noticed that the rattle goes away after the amp warms up, possible due to the heat causing some expansion. I also tried using just my 1 x 12 extension cab plugged in w/o the Combo speaker plugged in. This helped as well. I did notice one of the Tubes making some weird noises when tapped on by my finger, not through the amp, but a little springy sounds when I tap on the tube with the amp off. (not the 6L6, but the 5-somthing (I am at work can't look right now)...all the way to the left when looking in the back)

The 5 tube is a rectifier tube .