Amazing!!!! (testamonial)

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Well-known member
Oct 28, 2006
Reaction score
I just can't get over this amp,today was the first day I have got to push this amp a little and test it's boundries,then I find out it has none,I had the lead pulled out,master on close to 3 set for metal with the processor at dark hall,and my OD pedal runnin' 1/2 and got nothing but brutal razor like pristine metal shakin' the windows heaven!!Then I brought it to about 3 1/2 and hell opened up and caused a bonafide 80's rock concert!! :D I have been baptized in the blessed ways of the MESA!!! :D
It is just pure fun to push the accelerator on these things. I had the same experience that you did when I opened up my Mark IV the first time.
Tell me about it! I've tried quite a few amps out and they don't have anything on a boogie,I guess the only thing I can really upgrade on this setup is a nice Mesa cab!