Alternatives to the (Heavy) EVM 12L

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Well now I have Greg's EVM and it IS bright (in an old Boog 112 open-back cab) ...more so than the EVM in my Thiele, but that's likely attributable to the Thiele characteristics, I'm surmising. I'm too lazy to switch them out to really see if there's a diff between the two, so she's staying in the open cab. But I did "close up" the rear a bit, leaving just shy of 3" an opening across the back. A bit tighter in the bottom, and less ice-pick in the top.

Curious: Would lining the inner of the cab help any with highs? I've read that lining 3 interior walls is supposed to improve things ...anyone ever gone this route? (sorry if this is a hi-jack)

I don't really need to worry about bottom due to my Earcandy Sovereign being in the mix but I don't find my Centuries to sound thin at all. They definitely stand out in a band mix. I love my 3/8 stack.
Sadly my cab needs a bit repairing and can't try the speaker there yet. I've used a homemade cab for speaker tests which is quite narrow. Generally not much bottom with this cab.

Anyway, this thing sounds great! Definitely very bright but not ice pick at all. The medium range is greatly defined, all the subtle nuances can be hear. Quite amazing animal...
No, the Century does not sound like an EVM 12L. It has a ton more mids and a ton LESS bottom. It's only 80 watts, and you will blow it up easily. I did.
MrMarkIII said:
No, the Century does not sound like an EVM 12L. It has a ton more mids and a ton LESS bottom. It's only 80 watts, and you will blow it up easily. I did.

That's too bad, the Century was my best candidate to substitute the EVM 12L. I am loving the expanded range of this beast. A bit too much treble if I have to criticize something. But the quality is way much more that the price you pay for it.

I couldn't try the mesa yet at full power (I live in a flat), I've been running the speaker with a 5W amp kit based on a EL84. AMAZING TONE, and this just at bedroom levels....
there's always something that completely amazed me and that's the price differences... around 80€ for a wizard, 120-130 for a v30 or a century and from 250 to 300 (!!!!! :shock: !!!!) for a EVM 12L... don't you have sometimes the sweet feeling to be f***ed ?
meursault said:
there's always something that completely amazed me and that's the price differences... around 80€ for a wizard, 120-130 for a v30 or a century and from 250 to 300 (!!!!! :shock: !!!!) for a EVM 12L... don't you have sometimes the sweet feeling to be f***ed ?

haha! Yes, but if you see the basket construction then you'll understand. All my Celestions are bent near the holes due to screw pressure. The EVM 12L I have is 20 years old and the basket is in perfect shape.

I mean that you can buy a EVM 12L for 100$ on ebay. That's cheap for what you get.
One of the beauties of the EVM-12L is the steady nature of it's tone, regarldess of the volume level.

There is not a single speaker that will ever have a flat EQ curve regardless of volume, but the 12L keeps its composure regardless of the volume level. I think this important, because Boogie amps generally have more tonal latitude/palettes/flavors available than other amps.

On the other hand, other speakers might have a real "sweet spot", that develops with mid-volumes...but croak when pushed to the limit. This is particularly true with open back cabs, where one or two speakers are used.

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