Advice: Multi Head, Road King, or Triaxis rack?

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Active member
Jan 25, 2005
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Okay here's my situation. I've been a Mesa user for a lot of years now and I just love the tone. I've had a few Rectos and Mk IV's. Right now I've got a MK IV medium head and a Rectoverb head that I use with a Recto 4x12. I love the set up in the studio (which I spent about half my time) but for using a multi head rig live is a headache.

The problem I'm having is that I need a huge spectrum of sounds. In my home studio I need a very clean bell like tone, a heavy modern sounding rhythm crunch and a warm smooth lead tone for my original progy heavy stuff. I've been using either the RV or the MK IV for the cleans, the RV on modern or the MK IV lead channel with a scooped EQ for the rhythm stuff and either the MK IV lead channel or the RV on vintage for that Mesa lead tone.

I also play in a classic rock cover band, an original blues band, and a lot of clients use my rig when they use my little project studio. So versatility is a huge concern for me.

I like the tone of both the RV and the MK IV but I'm always wishing I could get the job done in one package so my eyes wander a lot. Almost every week I debate on whether I should sell both heads and snag a Road King or a Triaxis / 20/20, 50/50, 2:90, 2:100 rig.

I'd love to be able to have one rig that goes with me live, but not lose the quality of what I've got in the studio. Should I stay put, go Road King, or Triaxis? If I could afford to go with all three options I would.

I even considered selling the MK IV and getting a Triaxis and then use it and the RV as power for it.

Any thoughts or ideas?
keep both. there are simple affordable solutions. i use an axess electronics head switcher between my mark iii and iv. i love it. to switch amp channels, i hooked up midi control function switchers to the external jacks on the mark iv and the head switcher itself. i couldn't be happier.