a suggestion for the Mark IV / future Marks

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Well-known member
Jun 20, 2006
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i was thinking, a cool idea for future Mark IV's or its successor, would be the ability to save a graphic EQ pattern with each channel's settings. that would give even more versatility to the amp. They could make the EQ sliders motorized like the faders on a digital mixing console, so they move by themselves when you switch channels. This would probably be a very expensive feature to have though, and the same result would be achieved much easier with an all digital programmable preamp (triaxis)
i think that would be cool motoized pot's..the head would only have one channel but them it could have as many as you want...you would need a voicings switch thats motozied...
I think they should leave it as is but add controls to separate the RHY1 and RHY2. The thought of adding moving parts sounds like trouble to me. Besides you want the Mark IV for it's unadulerated analog and tube tone. If they were to start messing around with adding more electronics to a good design then I feel that it might make the thing sound different. As it is I am not a fan of digital anything in regards to preamps. I chose not to go with the triaxis for that reason. I had a JMP-1 before but I found that you just don't have the control over the parameters as much. It would be different if they actually took the time to make the analog knobs turn. But then again less moving parts is always better. With the number of knob failures as it is this would only compound the problem. Also think of the cost of repairs to a motorized knob. The synchros too would be expensive as well if they took the time to use ones that would allow perfect control. I find too that sometimes it only takes a touch on the knob to change your tone. Imagine the sensitivity of the synchros that it would take to achieve this. This would inevitably be very expensive for an already expensive amp. I think if anything an adjustable bias would be nice. Maybe some additional voicings (a la Recto to include a tube rectifier). I think such an amp would then truly gain the respect of those that "must" have a recto. I also think that the adjustable bias though not a Mesa feature would greatly increase the versatility of the amp and gain more users. A common point amongst the Marshall camp vs. why not to use a Mesa is the fixed bias (cold as it is). Another improvement would be a chassis mounted fan as opposed to the cabinet mounting. Maybe even a through chassis fan too would be nice like you would find in a piece of rack gear as many Mark IVs are rack mounted anyway. Additional features that would be nice would be the ability to switch power modes on the fly as well as all of the rear panel controls. I am sure that they could make a foot controller big enough. Look at the Roak King. It would be nice to be able to go from pentode to triode, simulclass to class a, harmonic to midgain, etc. without having to reach around the amp. Also imagine how you could use the tweed to full power switch. I find that the tweed lead is sweeter than the full power but in full power it gets a little stronger so for rhythms it would be nice in lead to just switch power modes.
I'm totally agree with Russ, no more Electronics to this Tube Amp, it's perfect as it is !
yeah... i see your point. i highly doubt mesa would ever add a feature like that, primarily just because it is a lot more cost effective to just build a programmable digital preamp. if they could make a solid, no issues motorized EQ and keep the sound of the mark IV unadulterated, it would be cool though.

Oh yeah, I also agree that first and foremost, for the future Mark model, they should make Rhy1 and Rhy2 totally independent of eachother. I don't know why they had to share those 2 knobs after making everything else independent.
oh yeah, the Mark IV is already able to switch between Class A and Simul-Class via MIDI, not sure if you realized that or not. i know that some switchers haven't had success doing this though. It would be cool to switch between pentode/triode and harmonics/mid gain on the fly though.

I find that switching through MIDI gives me a lot more control than the FU-3 could. For instance I can save a patch that gives me rhy1 with EQ and FX loop and then hit another button and get lead with no EQ and no FX loop. i know you can do similar things with the FU-3, liek have the EQ automatically turn on with some channels, but with the MIDI mate/ CFX-4 i can have up to 4 changes happening on the amp at once with one stomp.

you might consider trying this instead of the FU-3 if you want a little more 'on the fly' control over the mark IV.
I might have to try that. I still would like to switch power modes though without having to turn off and go through standby.
Hi, I fully agree with Russ.

I'm also the opinion, that the MK IV already has way enough features.
Beside the already mentioned ideas, I would wish a fan, which could be switched off or automatically speed reduced, in order to avoid this nasty disturbing noise, especially for playing with low volumes at home.
Some years ago, therefore I added a switch with a integrated resistor to the fan connection cable, in order to be able to switch down the speed of the fan, when playing a t home.

Wow, so much fuss over a hypothetical amp design, yet is becomes the MK VI, VII and VIII.

You guys are nuts. Gotta love your Boogie Madness.

Still waiting for some more clips, Antoine !!!! :D
Sended some, but e-mails come back to me, maybe you box is full, don't hesitate to contact me by e-mail and tell me when i will be able to send them :wink:
These are some improvements I'd like to see:Maybe re-voicing ch. 2 for more tweed like sounds w/ dedicated tone controls wouldn't be bad, Effects Loops ; utilise both loops make 1 series, 1 paralell with remote functions for both, Lead ch. ; add mid shift (scoop) & gain boost options, Input antennuation as an option, assignable to any or all channels. Another tap on the transformer (16ohm) The ability to custom order your remote to suit your own needs.:idea: :idea: :idea:
I want to see the MARK V as being the best of all the Mark series. I hope it incoroporates the best of Mark I, Mark II (IIC+), III, IV. Incorporate it into one. That would be a hot seller. I'd get it instantly....well maybe I'd wait for the Mark V Series II. :lol:
I also don't agree with this idea. I just don't think the extra cost, materials, and time spend redesigning an already good EQ would be worth the outcome. It would be just another thing to cause problems or go wrong.

Is there any word whether there even will be more Mark amps?