A good couple of effects to go with my mesa!!

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Well-known member
Nov 25, 2006
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Hi there was just wanting some feedback on which pedals I should consider when Im off on my next gear spending spree.

Im pretty much a roots player(currently) and use a fender deluxe tele. a cable and a dual rec three channel.Yeah not that much of a roots player.

The thing is in my last band I used approx. 15-18 pedals/effects but that band was more of a prog. fusion outing,my current band are more alternative rock/punk/grunge......so up till now a good guitar a good cable and a good amp has served me very well.

The songs we are starting to write now or sounding a tad different,a little more experimental in their orchestration,feel and dynamics etc. and Im now starting to consider using effect again.

I no longer have all the pedals I used in my last band as I sold them because they were lying about doin nothing for ages,

So my question is,with all that in mind which effect/pedals would you suggest.

My current pedal stash consists of(pretty sad state of affairs really)

-A Crybaby 535q wah
-Boss CS-3 compressor
-Ibanez SD9 sonic distortion(dont need any dist.,I have a Dual rec)
-Boss TU-2 stage tuner(I do use this)
-Morley Little Alligator Vol.
-Boss CE-5 chorus

Im looking at buying a Boss DD6 delay at the moment
any other signal changing effects,phase,flanger,tremolo etc etc

I do like the EVH Phase 90

Ohh and when it comes to soundscaping etc I love Micheal Einziger from Incubus,he is fantastic

cheers Euan
I hate pedals. :x
They are a pain in the a s s since you can only stomp on 3 of them each time,3 but with a broken toe.
Buy g major.
Programmable racks are the master tool to create the most deep effects,all of them at a touch of a button.
And they're cheapper than 15 pedals ! :wink:
If you are going to go with pedals I would suggest you go with the true bypass vintage style stuff like Electro Harmonix makes. Or you could build your own: http://www.buildyourownclone.com/

As far as the rack/digital stuff goes people on this board really seem to like the G Major... and he's right it'll be a lot cheaper in the long run.

Personally I think that using a rackmount device is like using an amp modeler instead of a real tube amp but that's just my 2 cents.

You should try both for yourself and see which one you like more.
*DOPEMAN* said:
Personally I think that using a rackmount device is like using an amp modeler instead of a real tube amp but that's just my 2 cents.

I could agree with you but people forget that on the stage, the player and the audience will never notice the difference between a 1.000 dollars chorus pedal or a 50 dollars chorus pedal.
If you recording in a studio,there those differences can be heard but at the studio, you can always use the equipments they have there, at stage and rehearsals you can't notice those differences.
So a programmable rack is a lot better and cheapper than pedals.
:wink: :wink: :wink:
Everybody just needs to use what they like. Analog pedals aren't going to sound like digital fx and vice versa. Main reason I use pedals is because I like the way they sound more and that's going to have an effect on how I play. And you are definitely right it's more $$$ to pay for the individual pedals, cables, batteries and a pedal board if you have more than just a few.


But in the spirit of giving good non opinionated advice I say people really need to try both and see what suits their individual playing style.
Hi guys,thanks very much for the suggestions,I do really like using pedals but as mentioned the on stage dancing is a bit of a nightmare

When it comes to rack gear,Im really unsure about it,I like to have everything there infront of me,its a bit like an old analogue mixing desk,everything is there to touch and tweek,whereas rack stuff is like protools or Cubase,everything is in algorithms and have to be selected from menus hidden away,then a midi controller would be needed aswell

The pro which I can see from using rack gear is that I could programme channel changes with effects added etc,and everything is nicely away and only controlled via one pedal

The pro's for pedal based effects are,they are right in front of you so you can get down and tinker at any point in the show,they will take years of abuse and as stated earlier,the tones are normally much better(In my experiance)

The only ownside to using 5 or 6 pedals(or more) is by the time your signal(and guitar tone) reaches each pedal it is being killed everytime is passes through another pedal

hmmm I think i have to take a look at this

Am I right in thinking that if the rack gear was in the loop it is acting more like,say a built in effects unit inside the amp because it is integrated into the amps circuit,rather than in the signal chain from your guitar,meaning that there is hardly any tonal loss??

cheers guys
mesanomad100 said:
The only ownside to using 5 or 6 pedals(or more) is by the time your signal(and guitar tone) reaches each pedal it is being killed everytime is passes through another pedal
Not if you're using top quality pedals and patch cables. I stay away from Boss though, I never want another one of those on my pedal board again.
If you are using true bypass pedals and short cables there shouldn't be any noticeable signal loss. Even if you go with a digital/rack unit you can still get a truebypass looper to pull it out of the signal chain when you don't want to use it.
1+ on what Pinweaver and Dopeman said. I tried to go with a multi-effects with a Boss GT-6. I am not comparing it to a G Major. With all due respect, what I found with the GT-6 was that I was stuck with the effects within the unit and it didn't sound as lush as an analog pedal.

With my pedal board, I chose a few true bypass units that I thought sounded good. If one craps out, you can take it out of the chain and repair or replace it, if a multi-effects unit goes bad, you're dead in the water. I think that sometimes, less is more.

Try both ways and see what works for you. An effect should add to your overall sound. Choose what you will really use.
Hi guys,cheers once again,

Yeah I was really thinking about this last night after reading the great info you guys shared and have decided in my own mind that pedals are the way for me,but I will only really use a few,and those few will be really top quality units,

I have owned several Kelleys and Fulltone pedals and really liked the Fulltone ones.pricy but worth it.

I like the sound of spacy effect like delay,chorus,phaser,trem./volume etc. etc.

Any really good companies do great versions of these kindda pedals?

I know and love the Fulltone supatrem,lovely little box,what about phasers,chorus and most importantly delay,I have used a boss dd6,any views on those!!!

thanks ever so much folks

I have to remember you that each song has its own beat so efx has to be in tempo with the song.
With pedals you will have to bend over and change the parameters on each song or you will have a delay out of time as an example.
To me it is torture.
But if you already made your mind, luck :D
mesanomad100 said:
I like the sound of spacy effect like delay,chorus,phaser,trem./volume etc. etc.

Any really good companies do great versions of these kindda pedals?

Check the link above I posted for Build your own clone - Electro Harmonix makes some really good vintage sounding true bypass stuff as well.

*edit* I was just looking these up and it looks like *most* of them are true bypass.. at least it looks like the new ones are but I would double check first. All of the BYOC stuff is true bypass.
this has been said by many others, but I just managed to pick up a gmajor for $150 (badass right?) and I love it. I dont even have a foot controller for it yet :p, but it is better than any and all the boss pedals I have ever used. Very VERY lush and rich... some FX even sound analougue.... good good stuff. Buy it? yes yes yes~!
Yeah I understand that delay pedals have to be altered per song,pain in the fuckin ***!!!!

You see I have been toying with the idea for 6 months know of buying a TC Electronic G System,they are really really sweet boards,I just have to justify splitting my MKIV fund in half to get one!!!

I hate guitars...........................well not really I just hate making decisions and sacrifices of any kind but Im always face with them when it comes to guitar,well It is a life choice the music industrie eh!
this has been said by many others, but I just managed to pick up a gmajor for $150 (badass right?)

I'd scrape up the money to make a purchase like this. That was a killer deal on that unit.

mesanomad100, I use an HBE THC chorus, Fulltone Tremelo, SPF I-5 Delay. All Three are great pedals. You already know about the Supatrem. RedBarchetta talked me into that one and there's no lookin' back. It's been an outstanding pedal.

I've also heard great things about the Choral Flange, but haven't had a chance to try one. That would give you chorus and flange. If you live near a dealer that carries a good selection, you should give different pedals a try to see what you like, if not, go to pedalgeek.com and listen to some of the sound samples to give you an idea of what's out there.
right Ive been speaking with a close mate of mine....amazing player

he uses alot of effects,live he is currently using I hate say it a Boss GT3....yes tone sucking ****

he also has alot of great single pedals,he has suggested and I have checked them out

Reverb-Boss RV-5
Delay-Line6 Echo Park
Tremolo-Line6 Tap Tremolo
Chorus-Boss CE-5
Phaser-MXR Phase 90

I agree with the the RV-5,great reverb
I think that the DD-6 is better but the line6 gear sounds real good
I really like the Line6 Tap tremolo,and Im gonna get it
I prefer the MXR Flanger,but Im not too fussed about gettin a flanger
I already own the CE-5 and its amazing
As far as the Phaser goes If I were to buy one Im goin to go with the Bob Moog MF103 12 step badboy

So my chains gonna consist off
Boss DD-6
Line6 Tap Tremolo
Boss CE-5
Bob Moog 12 step phaser
Boss RV-5

any other suggestions
Im gonna be selling any pedal I own after I get these which is just sitting gathering dust

I think that these will sound amazing!!
where is it best to stick these in the signal path

The delay in the loop right

does the loop tube come before the preamp tube or after in a dual rec,becuase if its before does that not mean that it is basically sticking your delay in the signal path????
Ok the pedal board is lookin like this at the moment

-Morley Little alligator volume pedal
-Crybaby 535q wah
-Line6 Tap Tremolo
-Boss CE-5 chorus
-Boss dd-6 Delay
-Boss TU-2
-Im currently tryin to get my MXR EVH Phase 90 fixed so that as well

Im goin to buy the Holy Grail reverb from Electro Harmonix as well
is taht not just an overdrive,I dont really want any more distortion sounds Im lookin more for signal processing effects rather than saturated sounds

such like,phasers,flangers,tremolo etc etc.

I will have to check them out,I have seen Mark Tremonti using one and a few others I cant think of,these babies are like $400 and are they not made to order as well

hell thats alot of money and alot of time to wait I reakon