A certain sound

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Well-known member
Feb 16, 2009
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Just beginning to appreciate the c+. Bght it new in1985.

Bght the JCM 800 and JCM 2000 and the Mesa just makes them redundant.

Beck is my hero...!

I want to be able to get the sound and articulation that the player called "guthrie" has.

don;t have prob with the licks as much as the sound.

Can anyone tell or explain how to do that.

I dont stink ya can do it w/o some sort of pre-amp manipulation but I may be wrong.

Seems when I try to get the sustain, where just hitting the note with the left hand gives that tone/sustain, I have too much hum.

So far, my GNX4 patches get the closest but no banana.

Thanks in advance and Happy Holidays to all.

Rick in Ak
sduck said:
Guthrie Govan? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Guthrie_Govan

If you've actually got the licks covered then copping the exact sound shouldn't be that big a concern. If you're shredding on that level just about any sound will sound great.


Thanks for the input.

My forte is acoustic. Flat pickin and finger pickin ala Doc and Norman Blake.

Check out my set at the 1996 Anchorage Folk Festival;


The sound you get from an acoustic is what it is. You have to hit the note correct and with strength not required with Electric. You can affect the sound with left and right had technique. Compared to the preamp gain and other electrical techniques with electric, the acoustic is in stark contrast. I'm talking about the natural sound of my Martins and Gallahger.

However, that sound we are discussing is created by the electric manipulation of the signal. Just touching the note/fret makes the sound ring out. Hardly any pressure is required and the sound wave is totally created by the electronics, amps and processors.etc etc.

So if I can create that free touch sound, I'd be along way toward getting in some of those..."Shred" licks.

Rick :)
I don't know, man, but it's all in the touch, acoustic or electric. Many of us practices regularly on acoustic for finger strength which makes us better electric players. You've got the amp to get those harmonics, etc. What guitar do you have? What kind of pick-ups? All that really should be secondary if you've got the touch. That "Guthrie" guy is going to sound pretty much like Guthrie whether he's playing a Chinese Strat through a Silvertone amp or a PRS through a Mark V. It sounds cliche, but tone really is largely in the fingers.
<< sound pretty much like Guthrie>>

I been playin acoustic since I took lessons from dolly's fiddle payer in Macon when she was on the Potter Wagnnor show on ch 13 in the late 50's and 60's.

Banjo, Mando and Acoustic.

I dont need you telling me abt that.

When you touch the strings on an acoustic it's vibrant and you feel it. LIke Doc, it's a real feeling.

I will make it simple for ya..

In Ireland they have a word for politicians and bullshit artists. They call them "Piss Artists"..

For me anyways, ifn ya cant play it on an acoustic and make it so, the electric makes it a "Piss Artist".

You said:

<< All that really should be secondary if you've got the touch. That "Guthrie" guy is going to sound pretty much like Guthrie whether he's playing a Chinese Strat through a Silvertone amp or a PRS through a Mark V. It sounds cliche, but tone really is largely in the fingers. >>

OK then,...... let's have him play the same notes on an acoustic guitar and see how it sounds.

Can he? Can you?

Do it!!!..

You can't.


RR :)
I stink I see where we went off track.

We believed, and the rock bands justified, the Black Sabbath and Leslie West rock sounds.

We embraced it and we strived to make it ours.

I am a perfect example. IN 1967 I read an article in an elec guitar mag and being an Eng student, I gave the circuit to an Electric Eng. He made the circuit and I made the enclosure and we had a fuss tone in 1966-67.

It did the same sound that the Almond Bros band did in Ormand Beach Fla when they did "Heart Full of Soul?

I watched as they blew thru a comb with cellophane on it and got near bouts the same sound.

Point is, the elec music industry tell young folk they can be a rock star or good guitar players and by givin them the amps to MAKE THE SOUND, they believe they are good guitar players.

Fact is, only by learnin scales and inside chords and substitutions and playing can ya truly be a accomplished guitar player.

My main objective for up and coming players is not to be good,.My objective is to play with other players and have fun. It's about having fun, not about how good you are.

Just my 2-cents worth I reckon.

Dude, with all due respect I wasn't having a go at you. Please don't attack me for giving you advice that you asked for. I was just trying to help, that's all. No offence intended.

KiwiJoe said:
Dude, with all due respect I wasn't having a go at you. Please don't attack me for giving you advice that you asked for. I was just trying to help, that's all. No offence intended.



Sorry if what I posted seemed like an attack. Not intended at all.. No ill will here.

Rem my orig query was;

I want to be able to get the sound and articulation that the player called "guthrie" has.

don;t have prob with the licks as much as the sound.

Can anyone tell or explain how to do that. >.

No results so far HA!. Guess I'll just have to experiment more. I have the GNX4 and enjoy that a lot. Might get there..

Thanks for the replies..

RR :)
I can appreciate what you're looking for - getting some idea of what a player uses and how it's used can help a lot in developing ones sound. However, you haven't given us much to go with - "Guthrie"? I ventured a guess that you mean Guthrie Govan, but you never replied whether that was the player or not. If you can clarify who's playing you like, or specify a song with "that" sound, perhaps someone can give some more informed technical info.
Buy a Cornford amp, pump your lead lines with chromatic runs, learn a bunch of whole tone scalar stuff... I dunno.

You don't sound like you want advice. You sound like you want to give advice. ("No results so far HA!" he says...) But in case I'm wrong, here is something that shows Guthrie Govan sounding a whole lot like Guthrie Govan, on a steel string:


So, yeah: it kind of is in the fingers, even on the electric. Not just the gear.
Dude2Dude said:
Buy a Cornford amp, pump your lead lines with chromatic runs, learn a bunch of whole tone scalar stuff... I dunno.

You don't sound like you want advice. You sound like you want to give advice. ("No results so far HA!" he says...) But in case I'm wrong, here is something that shows Guthrie Govan sounding a whole lot like Guthrie Govan, on a steel string:


So, yeah: it kind of is in the fingers, even on the electric. Not just the gear.

Thanks Dude I'll listen.

This being an Amp forum, I was asking about getting the 'touch the string' "sustain sound" kinda like Govan has on his videos. Wasn't asking about how to do the playing.

Until the compressor usage came up,...there were no results per 'getting the sound".. .thats why I posted "no results so far"...

Hope that clears that up.

This might not be the best forum for you to get to where you want to be.

Govan uses Cornford amps, and I believe he also uses a Strat-type axe made to his specs by Suhr. Here's a vid from 2011 where he walks through his gear:


Keep in mind the video is a little dated now, and guys who are after a more processed sound (not me...) are constantly on the hunt for mew pedals, etc.
Dude2Dude said:
This might not be the best forum for you to get to where you want to be.

Govan uses Cornford amps, and I believe he also uses a Strat-type axe made to his specs by Suhr. Here's a vid from 2011 where he walks through his gear:


Keep in mind the video is a little dated now, and guys who are after a more processed sound (not me...) are constantly on the hunt for mew pedals, etc.

There are quite a few topics/posts here on getting sustain with the Mark IIC+ amp and others. I've got them from long ago and looked at them recently. Was thinking might be more ideas since then. I'll do another search.

I watched that video and another. I see he does some youtube video on playing. Watched the sliding scale shapes video and will study it more. Great info. Plan to watch all those and spend some time on it. I'll have it before long.

Thanks for your help.

RR :)
Hmmm, I was wrong about the Cornford, it seems. He's using a Suhr Badger 30W in that vid.
One thing I discovered is with the Tube Driver inot the return, the only front knob that controls vol and well maybe crunchm is the Master 1 , Pull Deep.

Also, I fnd my other old unit.

it's a Electro-Harmonix memory Man Solid State Echo/Analog Delay Line..Not sure what it may do.

I'm gonna go back with my orig Boogie MANUAL and :the Boogie Files - Mark 11c+ Stack info. Keep trying those settings and see ifn I can get something close per the , what I call.. "Touch Sound"...IOW ya just touch the strings and they produce a sustain sound even w/o pickin.

drive pedal with distortion 0 tone 10 will get you sustain even if you stink at legato like me

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