6V6's in a MK IV

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Well-known member
Nov 14, 2006
Reaction score
Southern California
Thanks to a fellow forumite, I swapped some extra tubes for a quad of 6V6's to put in my MK IV. So far they sound sweet. Its late, so I can't crank it to see how they saturate, but tomorrow I should get a chance. I'll keep you posted. BTW I still can't post clips, but am about two weeks away from doing so.....

P.S. these came from Doug's Tubes and had the ma readings on the boxes! Very nice.... I'll probably buy from him in the future...
Well, I have used them all weekend long and I do like them. They are very "bubbly" sounding. The lead tone is thick in the lead channel. The clean is harmonically rich. The rythm 2 breaks up nicely. They are definnitley keepers. So, for now, I am going to run the MKIV with the 6v6's and continue to run my simul 395 with the stock tubes. I love the ability to trade tubes like this.....Thank you Mesa!
I got a set of 6v6's from a fellow forumite who bought them from doug's tubes already matched for a boogie. Mesa also sells them. The only draw back is you have to use all four in the Pentode mode and power set to tweed. This still gives you 40 loud watts, but is so sweet sounding. The cleans are harmonically rich, Ryth2 breaks up much nicer and the lead mode is so fluid and thick. I am happy! I feed this into a G-Major from the DI and out the G-Major into a Simul 395 for my wet sound.
"The only draw back is you have to use all four in the Pentode mode and power set to tweed. This still gives you 40 loud watts, but is so sweet sounding" I've been using 6v6's for over 6yrs in my MK IV , I run my amp tweed power/simulclass, triode/harmonics, never had a problem! Sweetness!!!
:D :D :D 8) 8) 8)
I was told by Mesa not to run the 6v6's in Simul class due to the excessive heat of the class A mode. Maybe someone else can chime in on this as I am a newbie when it comes to the 6v6's....
a quote from the user manual.

" for those of you who recall the great sounds of old Fender Deluxes will be delighted to know that four 6v6's can also be used in the Mark IV... but ONLY when tweed AND simul-class are selected."

Straight from the horses mouth.

Seems a little confusing to hear Mesa say do one thing in the manual and to have them say something different on the phone. I would like to know for sure what the case is because I have been dying to try the 6V6's myself.
I've been using 6v6's for over 6yrs in my MK IV , I run my amp tweed power/simulclass, triode/harmonics, never had a problem! Sweetness!!!" Hi Russ, we've discussed this before, remember?
Ummmm *scratching head*

yeah... I just keep forgetting to get my 6V6's everytime i have a few extra $s. Somehow I went from my head to a combo, then to getting a convertible Thiele style cabinet, to getting more speakers, to freshening up preamp tubes, to picking up some KT-77's, to fixing my truck, to moving, to buying a couple tools I needed for work, to a mass of things including the holidays. My latest is the arrangement for a 2ch Dual Rec with its 4x12 cab. I think after that I will certainly look at the 6V6's again. I might need to replace my 6L6's by then too. Those things get hammered.
scottywompas said:
a quote from the user manual.

" for those of you who recall the great sounds of old Fender Deluxes will be delighted to know that four 6v6's can also be used in the Mark IV... but ONLY when tweed AND simul-class are selected."

Straight from the horses mouth.


I stand corrected, thanks. I reviewed the manual and it seems that my confusion was whether or not you could run two 6v6's by themselves in class a mode. This is what Mesa does NOT recommend. They want us to use all four in simul class and can choose to run four pentode or two pentode and two class a together if we choose. Sorry for the confusion.