6L6s blue glow already

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Jan 22, 2010
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Hi guys,
Back in February I noticed that I thought the 6L6s in my Express 5:50 were probably due for replacement. The sound had got a bit mushy and lacked clarity and I noticed that both 6L6s were glowing blue in 50w mode and just one in 5w mode (because only one tube runs) when the amp was running and presumably had current applied to the tubes.

I changed the tubes out for some Winged Cs and things improved straightaway, however at the last gig, I noticed the amp again lacked a bit of clarity and a quick check of the rear of the amp revealed that the tubes were again glowing blue. I'm fairly certain when I checked this immediately after fitting the new tubes that there was no blue glow - is this something that comes in after time or is it a sign that the tube is not completely sealed and some air is getting in somewhere? When I bought them, I took the old STR440s with me to the dealer and had the new Winged Cs matched to within the same spec as the STRs, so I wouldn't have thought that would have been much of a problem.

Any thoughts?
I wish mine glowed blue; I've been using tube amps for about 9 years now and never had a single blue glowing tube. Everyone always has these pictures of pretty blue glowing tubes. :evil: :mrgreen: It's normal though, from what I hear. I've heard it has to do with some gas escaping from the tube or something.
some brands will glow blue and some don't in any particular amp - it is not anything to be concerned about...it's when the plates start glowing bright orange that you need to be concerned

Thanks lads! I have to admit I'd thought it was a bad thing as I'd been using EL84 amps for years (which never glowed blue ever) and was under the impression that it was a bad thing for a valve to glow blue.

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