5.25 Express - 10 inch? or 12 inch? Whaaaaaat?

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Well-known member
May 20, 2008
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Star City - River City
How come I cant find anything anywhere about a 1x12 version of the 5.25 Express? This forum is the only place I've seen any mention of it, but there is not a peep about it on the Mesa web site, is there?

How do I find one? And are they selling for the same price as the 1x10? I'm kinda pissed at Mesa for this. I've been saying all along this amp shoulda been made in the first place with a 12 inch speaker. But I love EL84 sound, so I turned down the 5.50 and bought the 5.25 even though it has a 10 inch speaker.

Now 6 months later I hear rumors of a 1x12 5.25? I suppose even if the store I got it from does have a 12 inch 5.25, I'm gonna take a hit trading it in and dishing out more cash for the 12 inch version?

Darn it Mesa....... :evil: :?

PS: I just found it on their web site.......I'm not happy.
I can dig the frustration. I got the 10 when it came out and like anything I buy these days a bigger better version is always 6 months behind. But I look at it this way, it's almost as small as a head version and a wider body extension cab sounds even better than a 1x12 combo. In the long run it may be a blessing in disguise.
Why not just get the 1x12 extension cab. Then when you need grab and go you've got the little 1x10 combo.
ned said:
Why not just get the 1x12 extension cab. Then when you need grab and go you've got the little 1x10 combo.

That's pretty much my point, though.....

I have the cabs already, but I need "Grab-n-Go" with a 12 inch speaker. I've already used the 10 incher on a stage, and it just doesn't compete with the rest of the band like a 12 inch speaker does.

Mesa unfortunately does not post the specs (dimensions) and the specs are not printed in the manual.

Does anyone know if the 1x12 5.25 Express is exactly the same size/dimensions as my 1x10 Express?? (I dont have the dimensions here in front of me, but I can post later if necessary)

If it is, wouldn't I be better off just modding the one I have to take a 12 inch speaker? The auth'd dealer I bought it from tells me their amp tech is more than willing to mod it, but I've already built a couple of cabs and changed out dozens of speakers, I can easily do the mod myself as long as the amp will accept the bigger speaker.

I would put a 50 or 100 watt alnico Weber Blue Dog in the thing.....
soundchaser59 said:
ned said:
Why not just get the 1x12 extension cab. Then when you need grab and go you've got the little 1x10 combo.

That's pretty much my point, though.....

I have the cabs already, but I need "Grab-n-Go" with a 12 inch speaker. I've already used the 10 incher on a stage, and it just doesn't compete with the rest of the band like a 12 inch speaker does.

Mesa unfortunately does not post the specs (dimensions) and the specs are not printed in the manual.

Does anyone know if the 1x12 5.25 Express is exactly the same size/dimensions as my 1x10 Express?? (I dont have the dimensions here in front of me, but I can post later if necessary)

If it is, wouldn't I be better off just modding the one I have to take a 12 inch speaker? The auth'd dealer I bought it from tells me their amp tech is more than willing to mod it, but I've already built a couple of cabs and changed out dozens of speakers, I can easily do the mod myself as long as the amp will accept the bigger speaker.

I would put a 50 or 100 watt alnico Weber Blue Dog in the thing.....

The 1x12 version is in a cab the size of a Mark I, so I don't think you will fit a 12" speaker in the 1x10...even if you did, it will be very cramped and won't sound the same as the 1x12 combo.
How about a different speaker in the 1x10 cab?

I have a Subway Rocket with an Eminence Ragin Cagin and it kicks butt.

I've also tried an Eminence Copperhead in the same amp. Basically the same sound but not as efficient as the Ragin Cagin.
The 1x12 5:25 is the same width as the 1x10 and probably 2 inches or so taller. You can't fit a 12" in the 10" body without cutting a chunk out of the chassis.

It is the same "size" as a compact combo (mark series) but it is the new style (lonestar?) enclosure.
As Alivefor5 suggested, you might want to try a more efficient 10" speaker.

My 5:50 1 x 12 is a lot louder, cuts through a lot better, and is more articulate with my Eminence Tonker in it than it is with the stock C90.

Eminence has the ratings of all of their speakers on their website. Maybe you can find the rating of Mesa'a speakers.

An increase of 3db is similar to going from a 25 watt amplifier to a 50 watt amplifier!
i've always wanted to hear the difference between a vintage 30 and the vintage 10 is it. number of speakers and speaker efficiency is as much of a contributing factor as power when db is concerned.

Of course you could just build a new combo cab!
I played on the new 1x12 a couple weeks ago and it kicks a$$. Noticeable improvement over the 10" version.

phyrexia said:
The 1x12 5:25 is the same width as the 1x10 and probably 2 inches or so taller.

That is. I tried the 12" a week ago and it was just over the 10". 2 inches or so taller seems on spot. I will have to try it again but my feeling is that if it has different and usefull vibes on some settings, still that I'm really liking using the 10" in my small studio room. So an extension 12" cab seems so far to be a safer solution for my own purpose to not loose anything that I'm liking right now using the 10", and to expand for sure the sound palette using another 12" cab.

a 5:25 1x10 atop a 12L Thiele sounds quite nice. I am afraid that if I got a head I would lose the ultimate portability of the 1x10 combo.

Maybe a 5:25 1x12 with a Jensen Neo or a Celestion Century Vintage would be the ticket.
Well, here's my solution, this is the most affordable alternative of everything I've talked about with the dealer and his techie..... especially since these amps are only selling for about $700 on ebay in mint condition with all original trimmings....

I'm going to replace the stock Black Shadow with a 100 watt alnico Weber Michigan. If you request it, Weber will build a 100 watt Michigan for the same price as the usual 60 watt. I've had a 12 inch Michigan before, awesome stuff. He claims it is voiced to imitate an EV speaker. That's why I landed there, simply because EV doesn't amke a 10 inch instrument speaker.

I know from playing thru my external cabs that this amp sounds great with alnico speakers, plus I keep the portability factor intact for the small monthly gig.

Thanks for all the ideas, people, appreciate it!
Hate to bust your bubbles, but EV did make a 10" guitar speaker (although they seem pretty rare), and the Weber Michigan doesn't sound /anything/ like a 12L.
My bubbles aren't that fragile.

I found absolutely nothing anywhere in 10 pages of google results about a 10 inch EV instrument speaker.

And the Weber alnico Michigan will sound so much better than the ceramic Black Shadow, that I wont really care that it isn't a $500 dollar EV. I'm already familiar with the Michigan sound, it and the Blue Dog/Blue Pup are my favorites at the moment....even more so than the Tone Tubby 10 inchers.

It will be ok, and it will make me quit thinking about putting this 5.25 up for adoption.

So where is this destroyer 10 inch EV available for purchase?
I had a ceramic weber for like three days. It is not "very loud" as weber's website would suggest, and really seemed utterly wimpy. They've got to be like 95dB speakers. I had to turn my amp up halfway to get any sort of air moving, and even with an MC90/Black Shadow, 5 on the lead and main masters would send me out of the room. When I would hook up my Thiele, the weber would instantly disappear and all I'd hear was 12L.

I have considered my speaker was a dud, but the guy I sold it to didn't complain and the guy I bought it from said it was nearly new.

I can get a halfstack worth of 12Ls for $500 but I bet you're just joking :p In fact you can buy a New EV for less than an alnico michigan.


There they are, the first three pictures. They are not still in production (why I said rare bird.)


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