4x12 EVM Loaded Cabinet

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Well-known member
Jan 24, 2009
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I have 4 EVM12L's and was thinking of installing them into a 4x12 cabinet. Before I put the time in I have to ask.
Has anyone ever tied or heard a 4x12 cab loaded with evm's? I suspect if would have a ton of headroom.
The 4x12 array sounds great with Celestion's but those are rated at 280-300 power ratings. The EVM's would be 800 watts.
Just wondering if you get more of a good thing or would it just be overkill.
I would say overkill is subjective. If you need to pump out guitar sound in the 800 watt range
then it might be perfect. You can still pump 50 watts into it.
Yet keep in mind if one speaker is 93db sensitivity and another is 103db,
100 watts might seem like 800 if the case was 103 db in the 100 watter. Ev,s sound great to me.
It is all in what you like and what you need or use. Overkill might be a single 12 using a 20 watt amp
in an apartment.
I would listen and if they sound great over what you are using now, then the wattage is not important.
Just some ideas.
That's true, I will be using it for my Mark IIC+. III green stripe and Mark IV. I don't live in an apartment so cranking it is not a problem. Moving the cabinet would be. LOL . it would be 130lbs. :shock:
I will give it a shot. A single EVM in a 1x12 sould great so a 4x12 array should sound fantastic. Time to get motivated.
****, I bet it would sound amazing, but you'll break your back moving it! If I had a cab I always left at my house or something (and had room for it) I would install 4 EVs in a 4x12. For me in my little cozy house a 3/4 back loaded with a single EV is plenty!
When you do finish your project let us know how it sounds. I would love to hear your opinion.
Let me know what you drivers you had in there when you do the swap.
I will be using 3 of the earlier no label and 1 Mesa labeled speakers. All 8 ohm wired in series parallel to 8 ohm total.
I have the last speaker being shipped to me so it will be about a week until I complete it.
I was speaking with Mesa today on an unrelated service issue and brought this up. They said they actually used to offer a 4x12 EVM loaded cabinet.
They did offer evs. Yet at a price of $279. for a simular model each that would be an expensive option
I am sure there are different models now but when you can get a celestion V70 for 110 bucks
simple math would tell you it would be $675 option plus shipping. Much different then not only
the price but the availability in the 1970s.
You do not see JBLs as options on any makers I am aware of, I do not even think they make a guitar speaker.
Yet the D/K/and M series were suberb and still are.
I have 4 K110 JBLs in a custom pine cab and they are still my favorites. Close to thirty years
old and if you can find a real K110 kit they run almost $200 bucks. Most recone them with M series.
My other favorite cab is a 4X12 marshall with the G12-30s, not heritage but the large 30 watt green backs.
To each their own. Jbl and EV a class of their own, yet celestions have been there right along.
Although "celestion" having some models made in china is totally different, the V30s used to be rated at 70watts,
now they are rated at 60 watts, you cannot tell me they are still the same speaker.
Babbling rant
i've actually taken an ev loaded road ready boogie cab to a gig once. it was 160-170lbs.
terrible idea if you gig, but if its not going to be moving much, its a great idea cause it did sound awesome.
I have a Marshall 1960b I loaded with V30's and 75's, That will be my road cab. This one will stay at home for sure. Unless I get rich and hire someone to move it for me. So it will pretty much being staying home. :lol:
You should wire it in 4/8 ohm mono/stereo switchable so you can run your IIC+ and IV simultaneously on it. That way you can actually push the wattage the speakers are designed for.

Loud city! :twisted:

*brain explodes*
Hook it up to a strategy 500 or a colliseum 180/300 watt head and you will have enourg power to kill a horse :lol:
That's what my room would look like it I wasn't married. :lol:
gts said:
Ask Dave about a 4x12 with all EV's: :lol:
(search for user name psychodave)


My back hurts just looking at this picture! :shock:
Imagine all those EV's in the same room, WoW! 8)
My halfback cab has 4 factory loaded EVM's. It definitely is a behemoth, in tone and weight! It's a pain in the *** lugging to gigs, but sounds better than anything else I've tried. Huge tight bass, tons of headroom, and cuts through the mix like no other.
I have a JCM 800 I wired in stereo with 2 of the G12-65 on top and EVs in the bottom.
3 tone option and monster sounding with both and the T-Verb pumping that jam.

DaveP said:
I was speaking with Mesa today on an unrelated service issue and brought this up. They said they actually used to offer a 4x12 EVM loaded cabinet.

I bought both of these loaded with EVM 12Ls directly from Boogie, back in the 80's.

I wish they still made straight cabs with the angle. That should be a standard cab offered along with the
traditional straight cab so you could make your choice.