3x12 closed/open configuration = awesome!

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Jun 6, 2010
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Hey I have been doing some experimenting lately and I thought I would share my findings because the results turned out pretty awesome. I have a Roadster 2x12 combo and my other band member has a Mark V with a 4x12 recto cab. He always sounds awesome with that rig but I always thought there was something missing from my sound. So one day I plugged into his cab and my amp sounded way better then normal. So it got me thinking, I need something more then the 2x12, but I'm poor as ****.

So I found a work around. I had an old 1x12 open back with some shitty stock speaker installed, I also had an old V30 lying around. So I swapped the speakers out so the V30 was in the 1x12. Then I stacked my Roadster 2x12 closed back (V30's as well) on top and plugged both into the 4ohms jacks. Instantly my amp was sounding way warmer and thicker. I then spent a few hours messing around with settings and the amp sounds like a monster now.

I don't know what it is about this configuration. I have never seen anyone with a 3x12 or a mixture of closed back and open back cabs running together and it sounds like it would be a mess, but it really rocks! I standout more in the mix and my tone seems much more fuller in the mix. Whenever I unplug and try to go back to the 2x12 I find I don't sound nearly as good. It also makes for a way cooler lead tone.

I encourage any of you who may have the availability to try this with the tons of gear you guys got lying around (I saw the post your rigs thread) to go for it!
joesackic said:
I don't know what it is about this configuration. I have never seen anyone with a 3x12 or a mixture of closed back and open back cabs running together and it sounds like it would be a mess, but it really rocks! I standout more in the mix and my tone seems much more fuller in the mix. Whenever I unplug and try to go back to the 2x12 I find I don't sound nearly as good. It also makes for a way cooler lead tone.

This was the idea Mesa had back in the 80's with the 1/2 back 4x12 they sold. IMHO it was and always will be one of the best LEAD 4x12s ever made and I haven't a clue why they stopped making them. The Holy Grail were the ones built with EVM-12Ls and Celestion C90s. I owned one back in the day that had the Eminence 150 and Celestion 70s, originally. I swapped the 70s for Vintage 30s and it really sounded good. Like a Dump@$$ I sold it thinking there was something better. I haven't found anything better yet. :)
i run my mk V into a express 1x12 (c90) and vert recto 2x12 (v30) and when the cabs are side by side with the 1x12 angle at me a bit it sounds much bigger than any of the cabs alone (as well as stacked, since all i hear is the c90 which is closest to my ears and pointing straigt at em while sitting)
Wow I had no idea Mesa made a Cab like this at one point. I wonder why they don't anymore. I'm guessing they wouldn't be easy to find if they date back to the 80's. Too bad you let go of that cab Kramer. I would have loved to hear and see it in action. What I have right now is pretty cool, but I don't think it would hold a candle to the Mesa cab built for that sound.

Does any Cab maker still make this configuration? If so, I would love to get my hands on one loaded with v30's. I don't know much about Cabs. I have experience with marshalls, mesas, and traynors. So far I haven't heard anything that stacks up to a standard mesa cab. Any suggestions?
Are the 412 half back cabs they made, really heavy???

What about the half back 212 cabs they made?

I have been thinking of this recently with my new Dual Rectifier to either get an old half back 212 or a Vert Rectifier 212.

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