22 vs 24 frets

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and when you have a Horus you also must chime in on this subject
its a pretty cool concept but is 27 frets practical at all or simply for bragging rights?
the Hamer is very playable in the upper registers-I was surprised(being a lefty, I usually have to take chances on guitars ...no chance usually of playing one in person before buying-this was ebay purchase)-my skinny fingers do help..I I suppose it is a lot more of a metal/shred deal-if you like playing the ol' Em arpeggios..just keep climbing till you hit that high G :)
i love going up to the 27th fret, yes they are useful, just not as much sustain on those notes of course. plus it makes it so when you are playing around the 20th-24th frets your hand doesnt feel like its at the end of the line.
theyre japanese, only reseller in the US is guitarasylum in newyork. new this guitar i think was $1700 and its neck and tone are by far my favorite out of my collection of guitars.

whats the deal with the Cali? ive never seen one, when are they from?
Hamer-its the Californian (Cali for short..)they made these late 80's early 90's-had the Virtuoso as well(think it was 36 frets...Hamer heads feel free to correct me)-seems like there a very few of the lefties..a lucky ebay grab-it has a huge chunk o' ebony fretboard and the sustain is incredible for a Super Strat-very lively unplugged..and a BLAST to play
Now I will admit that 27 frets is not practical, so how do you feel about 36 frets? :)


Frets 28-36 do play believe it or not. I'll be the first to admit that these are over the top, but they are definitely attention getters.
somebody at the beginning of the thread pointed out that the resonate point changes as soon as you fret a chord. Which destroys his reasoning! The strings can travel futher easier by the neck than the bridge so there is more bass, if it's muddy get a different pickup! I have a cap on my Neck MV for using with a single channel amp, which lowers the bass as i turn down the MV. Gives me a very mellow distortion that is articulate.

I used to be into 24 fret guitars and high output pickups, then i though music was all about lead guitar. Today i realize the most interesting songs and musical pieces have interesting rhythm IMO. Not very many people i know outside of lead guitar players care to hear solo's.
Ed Roman is doing what he does best. Blowing smoke up everyones *** because he can't sell Gibsons. 24 fret guitars usually have the neck attached at a higher fret (18) and that allows for better access to the upper frets. On the flip side a longer scale length (Strat) requires more string tension and more distance between frets. So if you have fat short fingers like mine 22 frets are just fine. I can't comment on muddy neck pickups and Gibsons. None of mine sound muddy. :D
Ed Roman actually sells plenty of Gibsons....he just isnt a dealer.
I'll rephrase my statement. I know he sells Gibsons, but he can't sell them as an authorized dealer.
I have six guitars.Only one has 24 frets and thats my favorite.Feels a bit easier to do the stretches between frets. But it could just be that it has the best build quality. Its a ebmm silo.
how will i hit the high note from the first couple minutes of glasgow kiss without 24 frets? and a lot of stuff...even with though i don't use the 24ht fret very often, i feel useless if i don't have a 24 fret guitar. minus acoustics of course.