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Sep 20, 2008
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I bought my stiletto ace 212 online and used from the guitar center the other day . I am wondering if it even has two speakers in it :? I am having trouble getting into the speaker cabinet to check . Do they glue the backs on as well as screw it . There is no indication anywhere that it has two speakers inside, but it was advertised as such. I hope I am just paranoid.
get yourself a flashlight and light the front grill - or you can feel softly by pressing the grill if there is a speaker behind.

the impedance at the speaker cable should be different as the weight of the combo will also vary

... there are 14 screws to loose, the back is tightened by some black sealing tape.

good luck!
UNBEFUCKINGLIEVABLE. First they ran my credit card twice for a "mint 212 combo "which by the way has bad pre amp tube" . This ***** only has one speaker! I am shaking fucking pissed. I will try to handle this like an adult ,but what I want to do is choke a ************. Never will I deal with the guitar center again. :twisted:
sorry for your situation....which online store did you purchase this from, we need a heads up on this one...thank you
Guitar Center strikes again!!

Get in touch with the general manager from the store that the item was held at before it came to you, since that is where the data was entered on the item. DO NOT settle for the sales manager.
You may end up coming out better than you hope if you handle it respectfully but persistently. They may give you a discount for your trouble and frustration... Good luck!
MusicManJP6 said:
You may end up coming out better than you hope if you handle it respectfully but persistently. They may give you a discount for your trouble and frustration... Good luck!

This is the route to take. Take the amp with you to your nearest GC and ask forthe manager. Take the high road. Don't argue, explain the problem clearly, but do not leave the store until the problem is resolved. If you get to a point where you feel the problem is not being resolved to your satisfaction go to the car, get the amp, and ask for a refund. DO NOT make a compulsive purchase after the refund. Take your money, go home, calm down, and start over.

Good luck,

More then likely did not intentially screw you, they just tend not to be teh smartest. I would defintly take the high road, present your case and get some money back as the 1x12's are cheaper, i think by 100 dollars.

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