20/20 or 50/50 amp for classic rock tones with a Quad Preamp

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May 26, 2009
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Which power amp would you guys use for classic rock tones from the 70's-80's style music? Would the 20/20 or 50/50 be better? I don't need volume,i'm looking for the classic tones to get me close with a Quad Preamp. I play alot of Areosmith,Gary Moore,AC/DC,etc. Thanks.
Honestly, the whole idea of a good power amp is that it isn't supposed to color your tone much so that your preamp stages shine. If you subscribe to that theory, you shouldn't be all that concerned with your power amp (assuming it's high quality) because the bulk of your tone is in that Quad.. You should just choose the wattage you need. however, if you want to get some coloration from the power amp tubes you are going to need to really drive them. That equals volume! I've got a 295 that I've never been able to get much power amp distortion out of simply because even at 30x2 it's really, really **** loud.

But the truth of the matter is, you aren't going to (and probably shouldn't) get a whole lot of coloration from a 20 watt or more power amp at bedroom levels.

That isn't to say they all sound the same, the tubes all have a little character to them, but honestly it isn't going to impact your sound a ton at those levels.

Personally, given the bands you mentioned, I think the "classic rock" sound you are looking for is probably 12AX7s into EL34s.
Because of that, I recommend you audition a Peavey 50/50, although the Mesa 20/20 has a similar sound with lower output due to the EL84s. It's also has a bit more midrange and breaks up earlier - could be important given that you don't want high volume. But the Peavey 50/50 goes for half the price of the Mesa 20/20, and you could put some Yellow Jackets in with EL84s and take it down to 20-30 watt level.

The Mesa 50/50 is 6L6 based, and has a different feel, not to mention you'll be into some serious volume by the time you get them to break up for you. It's a great amp that I love, and if you can give one a listen, but I'm not sure it's what you are after. You could use Yellow Jackets to swap the 6L6's for EL84s, but you might as well just have gotten a 20/20 then.

The 2:90 series, even despite being extremely loud by the time they break up, are also 6L6 based, but you can swap in some EL34s and bring them down a bit. They'll still blow you away though, even on half volume.

The 295 can be switched into class A where it runs just the EL34s, but it's ear blisteringly loud even at just the 30 watts as I mentioned. It also stays super clean as long as possible.

I can't comment on the 395 or 500, I've never heard them in person.

So long story short: If it has to be a Mesa, get the 20/20. If you are open to other ideas, try a Peavey 50/50, or otherwise slave some EL34/EL84 based heads in the 5-15 watt range. My feeling, though, is at low volume levels you aren't going to hear much of a difference between power amps.. you might even save yourself some money by experimenting with some SS stuff.
Oh, one more thought - All the bands you mentioned play Marshall amps. If you aren't getting the sound you want from your Mesa Quad, honestly, it could be that you are expecting it to sound like a Marshall. A power amp isn't going to do much about that. Though to my ear Channel 2 Rhythm 2 is very Marshall sounding.
Thanks JJNH for you info. I have (non-mastervolume) marshall amps as well but they are to loud to use in smaller gigs. They have to be cranked to get that true classic sound so i use them in the studio. Live i use alot of different things,what ever gets the job done. I recently just purchased a Quad Preamp and now i need a good power amp to go with it. I've heard it with the Carvin TS100 (50/50). It sound great but can be very loud if pushed hard. I have not tried the 20/20 (el84) but i'm curious about it. Does it sound full and warm or more like a Voxx AC30,All mids and no *** ? I don't have to buy a boogie power amp, i just thought it would match up better if i did. I know i don't want anything bigger than a 50/50 per side amp.
Sounds like you are looking for something to gig then.. Definitely try out a 20/20. The difference in weight alone will make you happy you did, and I think it's plenty loud for small gigs. I also think it's very full sounding, not at all like an AC30 to my ear. According to the manual for the Quad, it is designed to go with the 295 power amp, but they also say it's for the "concert touring professional" and in Simulclass the 295 is 90 watts x 2. I've heard a Quad through a Rocktron Velocity 100 (all solid state) and even that was pretty good. I've got a Quad and a 295, and it sounds awesome, but I wish I had a Triaxis and a 20/20 instead because it sounds similar but has a much larger portability factor, if that says anything.
JJNH, have you ever tried the Mesa Formula preamp ? Some people are saying they sound pretty good as well. Well i now have narrowed down my 3 choices for the used power amp. I have a chance to get any of these at a real good used price locally. Either a Mesa 20/20,Carvin TS100(50/50) or ADA . If i buy a new one and spend more cash i'll probaly go VHT 2/50/2. I will be playing clubs in the size of 200-800 people.

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