2 EVM12L's in recto 2x12....Good idea?

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Well-known member
Jul 21, 2009
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Hey guys, I run currently the recto 2x12 vert cab /mark V with two V30's in it. I was thinking about throwing 2 EVM12L classics in it, or should I keep one V30 on the top and run one EVM12L on the bottom???? Please drop me a line on your opinions .....Thanks in advance
What change in tone are you looking for? Will you be getting 2 new Re Issued 12Ls? (not the black label ones)

on a side note, how does the V pair with the vert recto? I am thinking about that combo (tryign to decide on what cab to get, don't want the 4x12 anymore to much to lug as I'll be moving stuff down to the basement too)

I'd go with the mixture first.
dmcguitar said:
What change in tone are you looking for? Will you be getting 2 new Re Issued 12Ls? (not the black label ones)

on a side note, how does the V pair with the vert recto? I am thinking about that combo (tryign to decide on what cab to get, don't want the 4x12 anymore to much to lug as I'll be moving stuff down to the basement too)

I'd go with the mixture first.

The reissue classics not the black label ones, I love the V with the Vert cab especially when you take the casters off the cab. The reason for the change of speakers is purely the fact that the EV's don't break up, and I really think the EV's work well with Mark series amps. Just didn't know if mixing up or having two would be beneficial..... since you say mixture, should i put the EV on the bottom?
Well, im thinking if you put it in the bottom, it won't be as apparent. that is, since the speaker is low and pointing strait, it will add to the overall sound, but not be the main you hear. On the other hand, if you go top, since its angled (and higher) it'll be pointed at you, so it should be a more noticeable difference.

So, my thoughts would be try the bottom first, see if you need more change, then go top.

also, since it's an experiment maybe you can find a used (and already broken in) older 12L. (point of that is finding one under 200, since its an expensive speaker, and the results may not be what you desire)

I like the idea of mixture because if you record, you can mic up a bunch of spots and get more sounds... and live / practice theoretically they will both add their own flavor and tone that the other doesn't have.
I hope you have a strong back, or a good roadie. 2 EVM's will significantly increase the weight of that cab. The sound you get from the EVM will be the sound your guitar and amp send it, whereas the V30 will color the sound as a V30 does. One EVM and one V30 would get you some of both. You really need to experiment. Maybe you should think about a Thiele 1x12 EVM to go with your existing cab.

Good Luck
Used to own a horiz Recto 2x12, and hated the V30s. Ear fatigue in only a few minutes! Absolutely LOVE my EVM-12L loaded 3/4 back 1x12 cab. I'm done looking for a cab.

I say slap two EVs in there...
Well I went ahead and ordered 2 EVM12L Classics, I was able to get them at dealer cost new, so buying two wasn't that big of a wallet breaker. I should get them by Wednesday.....I think they are going to sound killer in my closed back cab... 8)
I bought the widebody front ported cabinet and put an EVM12L 300 watter in there. It sounds killer. So much better than the C90 which has been my favorite speaker for the MV since I got it. Now I am considering changing the combo to another EVM. Would love to hear what you think of the speakers, when they arrive? I can buy some things at cost thru CEDist. I don't think they carry EV. What is cost on them? I may have to find a supplier?
Did you end up getting the EV's? I want to know how they sound. Post results if you can.
Yeah i did order them over a week ago. They are being shipped from the EV factory in Arkansas, but due to the bad weather down here in the south the shipping has been delayed a few days. So hopefully they will ship out tomorrow and I will get them in next week....... I can't wait!!
I am hearing about these Ev's everywhere. I've been running V30's playing in a hard rock band, but maybe I am missing out :?: :?:
MusicManJP6 said:
Used to own a horiz Recto 2x12, and hated the V30s. Ear fatigue in only a few minutes! Absolutely LOVE my EVM-12L loaded 3/4 back 1x12 cab. I'm done looking for a cab.

I say slap two EVs in there...

Is that a stock cab you bought or did you personalize it?
scott7d said:
I am hearing about these Ev's everywhere. I've been running V30's playing in a hard rock band, but maybe I am missing out :?: :?:

Honestly, I don't know how people can use V30's. Maybe it is if they have not tried EV's. After I tried that speaker, I could not go back to anything else. ESPECIALLY for hard rock.
I have had my Mesa cab with V30's in it for almost a year now. I have always assumed that the V30's are a decent speaker because Mesa puts them in their cabs and a lot of people seem to like them. I really hate them though. My MV sounds decent through them on channel 1 but on channel 2 and especially channel 3 I feel as though my ears are going to bleed if I play for more them 10 minutes - I'm not joking!

They are so harsh and full of treble. There is just no warmth or bottom end to them, at least not in my DR cab. It that just me?

I have been wanting to do a speaker swap but there are just so many options and I have no idea what to go with. Are the EVM12L's a good all around speaker? I play mainly on channel 1 & 2 but like to rip out some heavy stuff on channel 3 as well.
ixoye777 said:
I have had my Mesa cab with V30's in it for almost a year now. I have always assumed that the V30's are a decent speaker because Mesa puts them in their cabs and a lot of people seem to like them. I really hate them though. My MV sounds decent through them on channel 1 but on channel 2 and especially channel 3 I feel as though my ears are going to bleed if I play for more them 10 minutes - I'm not joking!

They are so harsh and full of treble. There is just no warmth or bottom end to them, at least not in my DR cab. It that just me?

I have been wanting to do a speaker swap but there are just so many options and I have no idea what to go with. Are the EVM12L's a good all around speaker? I play mainly on channel 1 & 2 but like to rip out some heavy stuff on channel 3 as well.

The EVM-12L is my favorite speaker with most amps. It works really well with the two I have. They're more transparent than celestions.
ARGH!!! THEY ARE STILL ON BACK ORDER! Oh well, I called EV on friday again to check status now they are telling me the issue is a component for the basket is not up to par so they are waiting for the new supply to come in. So the new ship date is the 22nd sigh.....

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