2 Channel Dual Rectifier vs. 3 Channel Dual Rectifier

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Well-known member
Jul 2, 2006
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Boston, MA
I hear that the older 2 channels are the more desirable of the two. Can people list pros and cons of each and their opinion as to why they think either is better than the other? Thanks!
I have never played a two channel, and own a 3 channel.

The 3 channel holds its ground on features...more channels, options, etc.

I hear the 2 channel has a more desired tone, but with how much I love my 3 channels tone, I don't see how it can get better.....I hope to try a 2 channel some time soon though!
Well,... reason I ask is cause there is a store close by to my house, and they have a 2 channel dual, and 3 channel triple... and they LOVE trades... they are asking the same price for both ($1,299) but uh... I don't know... :?
You should keep your Trem-o-verb. I heard from various people that it's exactly the same as the two channel Dual Rec's only with a better clean and tremolo.
You think...? Well, I don't know... I mean, maybe i'm totally GASing here but... I'm on the brink of getting one of those fancy rackmount effects units with all that stuff... Maybe your right, ugh :cry:
I had a Tverb for about a year. That amp had great tone. I think it was one of your recent threads that I detailed the things I didn't like about it.
Now I have a 3ch Dual Rec. There are trade offs, but for me I am liking the DR better at the moment. I do feel I was able to dial in the Vintage Gain of the Tverb a little better. I am still experimenting and looking for the right settings with the 3ch, but the big noticeable difference is that the DR is more aggressive and edgey and I like that a lot. The modern mode is more useable to me as well. I like having 3 channels and I love the built in solo boost. I also like that I can use any mode on any channel and the switching in the head is seemless.

Now for differences between 2ch and 3ch DRs. I have not played a 2ch. I do not believe that a 2ch DR is the same as the Tverb. I have heard a lot of people say there are some differences and it has a lot to do with the fact that the circuit involves the reverb and tremolo on the Tverb. Makes it a little smoother and mellower. Not that the Tverb is mellow or can't be dialed in for some crushing crunch! But the DRs take a step further. From what I understand some people have noticed the 3ch DR to be a little more harsh than the 2ch. I have read many reviews where people say the differences are very small and may not be as obvious from one head to the next. The 2ch were made during the time Boogie was still a little smaller and seemed to have better QA (I don't know that for fact). I have just heard more issues with the 3ch version and seem to recall a lot of reports that the 3ch can be hit or miss....one will sound great and the one next too it may be poo.
Also, the guy I sold my Tverb too shared some great stuff with me on 3ch DRs. For the first 2 years or so the use of V1 in the preamp was more to the original 2ch spec. Around 2002 they changed something and it has taken away some of the edge and aggression the earlier ones had. Mine is from 2001 and I think it sounds good.
What kind of music do you play anyway? And how much do you use cleans and how important are they to you?

Also, did you get that Tverb fixed?
I play mostly hardcore/punk but also have a few acoustic songs, well.. clean so I really want a good clean channel, that's the main reason why I sold my 5150 :eek: I mean, I've dialed in a pretty good clean so far.. I'm still working on my red channel though
I have a 5150II. Cleans are better than the original version comparing them in stock form.
I had JerrP mod mine and he really helped that clean channel out a lot! I like it better than the stock clean channel of the DR.
boogieslide said:
I have a 5150II. Cleans are better than the original version comparing them in stock form.
I had JerrP mod mine and he really helped that clean channel out a lot! I like it better than the stock clean channel of the DR.

Oh ya? ****... ya, I had the 1st 5150, with the shared EQ, you know the deal haha
Yep, I know the deal. I love the lead channel of 5150s. I had the 5150II lead channel modified back to the original specs as well.
So I have an original 5150 lead channel with a much improved clean channel that has its own EQ.

Anyway....the Tverb. I personally think you should keep it. Get to know it better. Get it working 100% if you haven't yet. You got a killer deal on it so even if you wait you should easily be able to make out well.
Have you played much with the Vintage Gain mode on the Orange channel? To me it would seem like that might work better for the kind of music you are playing. Then for you cleans, clone Red to Orange and put it in clean mode. It will be a little brighter and may not clean up quite as well as the clean mode on its native Orange channel, but it is something to try.
Vintage gain on Orange was where it was at for me on the Tverb.
Actually, I haven't played too much with vintage, more blues than that. to be honest... I have no idea how to use the channel cloning :oops: I've read the manual and stuff, but :?: :?: :?:
Cloning button is in the back left corner. Middle position is no cloning. Just means the modes labeled on the front are what they say. If you clone Red to Orange you are telling the Red channel to act as if it had the modes of the Orange channel. This leaves the Orange channel to use its normal Clean or Vintage Gain mode while also making Red have those same modes. Now your Red channel mode switch is up for Clean and down for Vintage Gain and you can not use Blues or Modern Gain mode.

You can clone it the other way too. Orange to Red. Now the Orange channel is either Blues or Modern Gain mode and Red stays the same.

Make sense?
Maybe try the Vintage gain mode first to see if you even like it.
wow, thank you for being so helpful! you really explained that to me better than the manual could, haha, you guys are great!
i've got a first edition serial # 33X DR and while the tone is very similar to a 3ch, the biggest difference is just in clarity...you can change tubes and guitars all u want, but it's as clear as glass. imagine playing chords acoustic and then just play distortion. That clear. the 3ch has good tone, but you can try all u want but it wont be that clear....this is after owning the 2ch for a couple of weeks and the 3ch for a year. The 3ch has amazing versatility tho. u cant pass that up.
Elpelotero said:
i've got a first edition serial # 33X DR and while the tone is very similar to a 3ch, the biggest difference is just in clarity...you can change tubes and guitars all u want, but it's as clear as glass. imagine playing chords acoustic and then just play distortion. That clear. the 3ch has good tone, but you can try all u want but it wont be that clear....this is after owning the 2ch for a couple of weeks and the 3ch for a year. The 3ch has amazing versatility tho. u cant pass that up.

that's what I want! that clarity, I think I just need more time tweaking, it's only be 2 weeks :oops:
As far as I thought, channel cloning only involves the placement of Presence within the circuit (the difference between Vintage/Modern). I don't think it replaces the modes! At least on my two channel Dual Rec, the Clean/Variable Gain switch only applies to the Orange channel, never the Red channel- cloned or not!
Hey jbird, the Dual Rec may be different but having owned the Tverb it is definitely the modes that are cloned. I used to run it with the Red cloned to Orange. Mode switch up on the Red channel and it was the clean mode (not the native Red channels Blues mode).
Now when you clone....the channel taking on its non native modes will not sound 100% exactly like the modes do on their native channel. This is do to the difference in the Presence and gain structure of each channel. The manual even points out that when Red is cloned to Orange, the Presence of both the Orange and Red ch will be active in the Red channel only. So for me, running my clean mode on the Red channel....I had to be aware of the effect of changing the Presence on my Orange/Vintage gain channel as it effected me clean as well.

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