2 chan dual recto issues

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Oct 16, 2006
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Hey everyone!
I can't believe I haven't come across this board sooner...
Anyway, I'm a tube amp noob, and I've been using a 2 channel dual recto (with a 2x12 recto cab) that I bought used. I noticed that the tubes in V1-V5 (power tubes?) are groove tubes. I know this is not stock. All the other tubes are the stock Mesa's. (Gray color coded) I've owned the amp for 5 years playing mostly the clean channel and using various effects. When I switch over to vintage, or the red vintage/modern channel, the amp basically becomes a buzzy, fizzy boat anchor. I was about to spend 600+ dollars with voodoo amps to have them mod the thing, but from what I'm reading here, it seems that I could just "choose correctly" when I replace all the tubes and be in the ball park. I play mostly straight up rock with the heaviest being Greenday-like. I can get by with my pedals for everything else. I'd love to have a sparkly clean channel and useable, non-fizzy gain. (kind of like the sound samples on the voodoo site) Do you have any ideas for me? Not that I'm trying to snub voodoo or anything, $600+ is just a LOT of cash.
V1-V5 are the Pre-amp tubes. They sit in front of the Power tubes V6-V9. They are noticably smaller than the power tubes. Now...The Tube topics are further down the main page and I think you could benefit greatly by reading a few topics on stated subject. You will find a myriad of players here with different tastes in tubes and styles but knowledgable enough to point you in the right direction.
Post your settings on that "fizzy", "buzzy" boat anchor of a Red channel! The reason I ask is: Though it may be time for a tube replacement, I don't really equate "buzzy" and "fizzy" as attributes of different tubes! "Fizzy" and "buzzy", I usually relate to gain and presence settings! I would'nt think you'd need the gain past 12 o'clock, and the presence in the 9 o'clock to 11 o'clock region for the styles your claiming! :idea:
Ok... by the way, I opened her up yesterday, and she was made 8/99
on my clean channel (orange, set to clean)
master 9:00 or 10:00 depending on what the engineer lets me get away with
presence 3:00
bass 3:00
mid 12:00
treble 2:00
gain 9:00
These settings sound the best to me using my pedalboard distortions/effects

on my red channel (set to vintage... modern is WAY too much for what I like)
master 10:00
presence 2:00
bass 12:00
mid 12:00
treble 1:00
gain 1:00 -but I play sloppy, so increasing to 3:00 hides my mistakes better.

I see what you mean about presence and gain settings. I'll have to mess wiith it more, and at the volumes I plan to play at to see if I can dial anything in.

I recently did some recording using a Bogner XTC101B and with that amp at low gain settings my playing seemed effortless. It just jumped off my guitar. I tried to replicate the sound at home on the Mesa, which I could do, but I had to be so deliberate with my playing that it sounded horrible. I'm big on touch dynamics. I know most people like to have it sensitive so when they vary their pick attack their tone reflects what they're doing. Not me. It has to jump off my guitar. -Testament to my abilities I guess...

Thanks for all the help!
I should also say that I have the power switch on "bold" and I'm using the diodes instead of the tubes for rectum-fication. All this for those touch dynamics I talked about before.
The additive effect of all my settings are probably what's making my amp fizzle...
-Fo Shizzle
I'd get that Presence to the "recommended" sweet spot, maybe 9 o'clock-11 0'clock, then you can season the lost high end with the treble control! Much warmer that way! Good Luck!
Thanks for the suggestions. I've messed with it a little and I get the "blanket over my amp" sound when I turn the presence down that much (and the treble up to compensate) I've ordered some new tubes (Doug's recommendations) so We'll see what the outcome is. Since I normally run the clean channel and use effects, the presence sounds good up there to me. I've played with it pretty extensively since I started reading here, and I'm really happy with my clean. It's the other half of the amp I'm struggling with. I'll post my findings after the new tubes come. Also, I read about replacing the output transformer with a Mercury Magnetics. Is there a part number of the correct replacement? Is it just a remove the old and solder in the new one - type of fix?

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