2 ch vs 3 ch dual rectifier questions

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could only find the valve king, this recording was about a year ago when we had no singer, this is a rough version of the song, my guitar part and amp start the song off

ttbaron said:
Does the heavy channel on the older 2 channel DR resemble in any way either of the heavy channels on the new 3 channel DR?

i hope you guys can read music better than you can qyestions. this isn't a 2channel vs 3 channel. read the above question. it is a simple yes or no. if you think it is that = yes. if you think it isn't than it = no.

the rectifier is what it is. it isn't made for one thing it is made for many. Tele_jas uses his for country, check out his clips using the telly. they are sweet. once again, to each there own.

enough about the **** stuff. i will do any of them, anytime. what is a good UK beer ? i'm in the mood for something different tonight . :wink:
OK. To answer the original question, the answer is "yes". They resemble them, and do them better.

Btw, to the original poster, you can run the 2ch as 2 gain channels if you like...
up to you what you like, smooth or biter. but be warned they are stronger than usa beers. what you call beer is larger, like over here your budwiser is a light larger not a beer.
To answer your questions, yes it does, however it is more organic and not as buzzy. But alot of this could also be to tubes, people do not realize that the 430 tubes mesa use to ship with the 3 channels where very buzzy, replace them with some different tubes and it made the 3 channels sound ALOT better.

The two channels where originaly shipped with 420's, so if you were to take a stock 2 channel vs a stock 3 channel of course there is going to be a difference.

As to Petrucci, I am not sure if he ever used any dual or triple, I do know he uses the roadkings and before that I believe it was Mark 2c's.
ttbaron said:
Sorry if you've all seen this before.

Does the heavy channel on the older 2 channel DR resemble in any way either of the heavy channels on the new 3 channel DR?

I've read that E34L's will give you tighter midrange, but will they still have a good amount of low end like 6L6's?

Did John Petrucci ever use the 2 ch or 3 ch DR?
siggy14 said:
To answer your questions, yes it does, however it is more organic and not as buzzy. But alot of this could also be to tubes, people do not realize that the 430 tubes mesa use to ship with the 3 channels where very buzzy, replace them with some different tubes and it made the 3 channels sound ALOT better.

The two channels where originaly shipped with 420's, so if you were to take a stock 2 channel vs a stock 3 channel of course there is going to be a difference.

As to Petrucci, I am not sure if he ever used any dual or triple, I do know he uses the roadkings and before that I believe it was Mark 2c's.
ttbaron said:
Sorry if you've all seen this before.

Does the heavy channel on the older 2 channel DR resemble in any way either of the heavy channels on the new 3 channel DR?

I've read that E34L's will give you tighter midrange, but will they still have a good amount of low end like 6L6's?

Did John Petrucci ever use the 2 ch or 3 ch DR?

JP used the Dual Rectifier for The Glass Prison, aswell as using a Rackmount Dual for Awake (double tracked with the IIC+) and it was in his rack all the way through to Scenes.
Those who buy a mesa to sound amazing and just the way you want it to out of the box have no business buying one. Mesa owners are people who breath tweaking with tone and most of the time are never happy. My settings change from night to night .. show to show. I have a 3 channel dual rec and its anything but a WRECK. It does indeed have a lil fizzy sound. but its easily fixed with compression and outboard EQ. Mesa's are some of the hardest amps to dial in according to taste. But when you do. You find yourself playing for hours and hours non-stop.

I love my 3 ch DR
well mate, i find my mark 4 better sounding and that amp is a tweak amp, i found my tone in minutes and it keeps changing a little, tweaking all the time amazing .
also i need not buy anything else, like out board pedals to make it sound better, why, i can buy a £500 amp and buy pedals and have a better tone, what i m saying is the rectos need to come down in price two,
and mesa needs to make them better and give a full refund, because those amps are not mesa amps, if i was head tech, testing and running those amps, fuc k, ill send them right back, to make them better, for you guys. :lol: sistine, dont cry because you spent so much money on crap, lil fizzy on a £1600 amp, lol sucks dude.
Living_justice said:
well mate, i find my mark 4 better sounding and that amp is a tweak amp, i found my tone in minutes and it keeps changing a little, tweaking all the time amazing .
also i need not buy anything else, like out board pedals to make it sound better, why, i can buy a £500 amp and buy pedals and have a better tone, what i m saying is the rectos need to come down in price two,
and mesa needs to make them better and give a full refund, because those amps are not mesa amps, if i was head tech, testing and running those amps, fuc k, ill send them right back, to make them better, for you guys. :lol: sistine, dont cry because you spent so much money on crap, lil fizzy on a £1600 amp, lol sucks dude.

You're a fool.

A) You said you got your tone from the IV in "minutes". Those are very difficult amps to tweak, and either you got very lucky, or you have a tin ear and it actually sounds like ****.

B) Many, MANY great tones have come from Rectos, probably more great Recto tones on record than Mark IVs.

I want a Mark IV just as bad as I want to keep my Recto, but i'd never go around preaching that the one I don't own isn't a Mesa amp, or worthy of the name.
+1000 RH!! I dreamed about Recto's, then I got one, and I still dream about Rectos because I can't get enough. Mesa has done extremely well with them and they are as Mesa as you get!

Ciao ...
OH, BOYS ! stop fighting.... once agian this is an example of to each there own. say what you want about the 3 channel recto. How could randal smith make something so good as the Mark IV and then make something so bad? you can't get thrash metal out of a Lonestar does this not make it a good amp. the Mark IV is a sweet amp and i could dial in awesome tomes in 30 seconds. of course i've been owning Marks since the 80's. and i can also get tones out of a 3 channel dual tigher the Kiera Knightly. it all boils down to personal opion. I also use a Gibson custom shop les paul with DR strings. and sometimes, yes, i don't like my monster cables. to each there own.

Living_justice said:
Random hero, lol, what music you like fella? , :lol:

lol sorry, I didn't mean to be so offensive before, i'd just woken up when I typed it.

I like all kinds of music, but my main vices are progressive metal, straight up metal, and rock. I listen to blues, folk and *some* pop too.

Btw, strangely enough, i've been offered to trade my recto for a mint mark IV short head today.
whats the brand name ? or we talking root beer. ha ha ha.

random hero sounds like you have delima on your hands.

i like mark IV cleans and leads, and the ability to go to Class A is nice. and it is easy to steal rectos off of crack heads for cash, thats what i do. tough call. hey like a good girl you can always say sorry and go back. ha ha ha :cry:
The Two channels have a clean channel? LOL I never use the clean, just vintage on orange and modern on red.

ibanez4life SZ! said:
^ Better clean on the two channel?!?!?!

The only grip on the two channels is how horrid the cleans are......
Random Hero said:
You're a fool.

A) You said you got your tone from the IV in "minutes". Those are very difficult amps to tweak, and either you got very lucky, or you have a tin ear and it actually sounds like sh!t.

I got a good tone from a Mark IV within minutes when I first tried one in a store. Once I got it home I tweaked if further but if you read the manual before you demo one it really helps.

You seem too emotionally invested in your Recto, you resort to name calling if someone posts their opinion that they don't like Recto tone.

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