2:90 / Triaxis Vs. My Triple Rect.

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Well-known member
Jul 22, 2006
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Palm Desert
For the past few months I've been researching racks and now I'm really considering to moving to a full rack setup and ditching my 2 channel triple rectifier. Could I achieve close tones with the 2:90 and Triaxis compared to my Triple Rectifier and do guys think it will be worth the switch? Thanks

- Patrick
The triaxis has a tone that nods towards a rectifier if you get the V2 with the "recto" board. Would it replace a rectifier completely? Probably not. I think the Triaxis sounds great but the "recto" mode (AKA LD1 Red) does not sound EXACTLY like a recto but has a similar tone.

Personally, I prefer the LD2 green and orange the most (Mark IV and Mark IIC+ respectively). I like the LD1 red for a heavy type tone but I don't think I would be fooling any pro musicians into believing I have a recto preamp. I love the versatility (90 channels w/continuous control of every parameter lends to one of the most versatile preamps i can imagine for the boogie realm) but it is also very light. My rack consists of a TA and 20/20 power for a 40 watt 25lb head with 90 channels.

If you have an extra grand you can deal with not having for a month or two I suggest buying a V2 non phat triaxis and run it directly into your Triple rec's effects loop return jack. The problem with the TA is that is takes quite some time to understand the gain and tone controls so that you can get the most out of it. You can see if you can dial in a tone that you like or that sounds like your TR. An EQ in the loop of the TA would probably give you just about ANY tone you're after. If you decide to get a TA be prepared to tweak for hours.

The TA will afford you the option of getting a really tight to really sloppy high gain tone. I find that going to presets i made a month ago I am amazed at how my taste changes for what i think is good. This is a great feature of the TA as you can A/B between tones to see how they fit in different situations or to see how your taste can change. I can't wait to use the TA with a band and let it shine at high volumes.

What would be the benefits of running my 2 Channel Trip. Rect. Head with the Triaxis and then eventually adding a 2:90 to it. My Question is: Could I still use my Trip. Rec. Head with the 2:90 and Triaxis together as well? How would this work and would it be worth it? Thanks

- Patrick
I'm thinking now that I'll get the Triaxis first then the 2:90 then the Rect. Recording Preamp. How do you think this rig will sound and can I run all of these simutaniously? Can I use the Rect. Recording Preamp live with the 2:90 and Triaxis or is it just for recording? Thanks
I was using a Recto Pre for about 2 years live...it rocks. Very heavy sounding!! With a switcher you could easily run the Triaxis and Recto Pre together(Axess Electronics GRX4 or similar). Do yourself a favour and try a 2:100 Recto Poweramp, it sounds killer. I've A/B'ed the 2:90 and 2:100 with the Recto Pre and the 2:100 kills the 2:90. Like the dude at Mesa says...."It just sounds...more". He was right it sounds bigger, fuller.

I have since bought a CAE 3+SE preamp because I wanted more gain, I still use the 2:100, which gives the 3+SE a heavy flavour, but with beautiful cleans and crunches.

I have the Recto Pre for sale if you're interested.

Mark Day
samhill: Thanks for the response. I'm still deciding on what route to take. I'm gonna give Mesa a call and ask them a few questions. I'm basically looking for a heavier sound for rock and hardcore music. I've heard really good things with the 2:90 and triaxis being a combo but I might get the Rect. recording Preamp since I still want a little bit of a rectifier sound. I'll have to play everything to figure out what I want and I'll make sure to try the 2:100 as well.

- Patrick
AliensExist4 said:
samhill: Thanks for the response. I'm still deciding on what route to take. I'm gonna give Mesa a call and ask them a few questions. I'm basically looking for a heavier sound for rock and hardcore music. I've heard really good things with the 2:90 and triaxis being a combo but I might get the Rect. recording Preamp since I still want a little bit of a rectifier sound. I'll have to play everything to figure out what I want and I'll make sure to try the 2:100 as well.

- Patrick

I'm sure you'll love the Recto Pre, it sounds very heavy...I prefer the tone of a Recto Pre and 2:100 to a Dual or Triple Rec head. I run my stuff with a Bradshaw switcher and line mixer, I know that makes a big difference too, everything in parallel makes things so clean and crisp.

Let us know what you think when you try this stuff out.

samhill: Thanks. Ya I should be able to try everything out in about week and a half or so since I'll be up in LA and theres a dealership down there. I'll let you know what I think when I get back. Thanks for all the info.

- Patrick
samhill: I just talked to a Mesa Rep. He said basically what you said. I told him I played rock and heavier type stuff usually and he asked me if I usually switch settings on my amp or if I pick a setting a usually stick with it. I told him that I pick a setting and stick with it and he said I would probably like the 2:100 and the Rect. Recording Preamp. He said the 2:90 and Triaxis are more for versatility.

I'm still gonna try both but I have a question for you: What would be the pros both live and recording wise of me getting a 2:100 and the Rect. Recording Preamp over my 2 channel Trip. Rect. Head? Thanks

- Patrick
AliensExist4 said:
samhill: I just talked to a Mesa Rep. He said basically what you said. I told him I played rock and heavier type stuff usually and he asked me if I usually switch settings on my amp or if I pick a setting a usually stick with it. I told him that I pick a setting and stick with it and he said I would probably like the 2:100 and the Rect. Recording Preamp. He said the 2:90 and Triaxis are more for versatility.

I'm still gonna try both but I have a question for you: What would be the pros both live and recording wise of me getting a 2:100 and the Rect. Recording Preamp over my 2 channel Trip. Rect. Head? Thanks

- Patrick

..you can run stereo
..you can setup a switching system with a line mixer(this is a huge difference in sound quality when using FX like chorus, flange, reverb, etc. When using a line mixer you have complete control of your dry signal giving you higher fidelity. A singer would never plug his mic into an FX unit and then into the board..it would sound like ****, why do we as guitarists think that is ok? What happens in a pro studio...FX are added after the direct dry signal.
..it just sounds better to my ears anyway.
..with a separate system(preamp and poweramp) you can have proper noise reduction with something like an ISP Decimator ProRack G. With a head you need to get a serial FX loop to even get close but it would still be in mono.

..eventually with a flight case, other racks, etc it will be a heavier lift.
..only 2 channels instead of 3. I have a 3+SE with 3 channels..how many do I use? Still just 2, I just turn my guitar back a bit for crunch.
..your friends and other guitarists will hate you because your sound is so much better than theirs.
..it'll sound so good that you'll never put the guitar down, which could lead to lost girlfriends, and sore fingers.

Ha thanks man. Would I be able to use the 2:90 with the Triaxis and Rect. Recording Preamp OR a 2:100 with a Triaxis and Rect. Recording Preamp. Because I''ve heard tons of good things about the 2:90 and Trixais but maybe to get a little more recto sound I could add the Rect. Recording Preamp. If I did this I would have to switch between preamps correct? Thanks

- Patrick
AliensExist4 said:
Ha thanks man. Would I be able to use the 2:90 with the Triaxis and Rect. Recording Preamp OR a 2:100 with a Triaxis and Rect. Recording Preamp. Because I''ve heard tons of good things about the 2:90 and Trixais but maybe to get a little more recto sound I could add the Rect. Recording Preamp. If I did this I would have to switch between preamps correct? Thanks

- Patrick

I think we hear alot about the 2:90 because it's a good amp and it's been in the market place for quite a while, lots of guys have them, the Recto 2:100 has only been around for the last 2 years or so, not as well known as the 2:90. The 2:100 is a great amp, just call Mesa and ask them the difference between a 2:90 and a 2:100, they will tell both are great amps but the 2:100 is just more. You will get a Recto sound with the Recto Recording Pre. I was using a Marshall 9200 and occasionally a Mesa 2:50, I then A/B'ed the 9200, 2:90 and 2:100 at the same time in the same room same cab with my Recto Pre. The 2:90 sounded nice, very similar to the 9200, the 2:100 blew them both away.
I highly recommend you try both amps...I know what your answer will be.

Switching between preamps can be easily done with a variety of different products, ground loops can be an issue, but for every problem there is a solution. Many switchers are available....Axess, CAE(Bradshaw), etc.

Samhill: Ya CAE is where I'm actually thinking on getting my midi pedal from. For switching between preamps do I use their amp selector? Cause I read it and I want all my preamps and everything coming though both of my cabs a 4x12 and 2x12. I don't want one preamps for one amp and another preamp for the other. Do you know what I'm saying?

- Patrick
AliensExist4 said:
Samhill: Ya CAE is where I'm actually thinking on getting my midi pedal from. For switching between preamps do I use their amp selector? Cause I read it and I want all my preamps and everything coming though both of my cabs a 4x12 and 2x12. I don't want one preamps for one amp and another preamp for the other. Do you know what I'm saying?

- Patrick

The CAE stuff will do what you are saying....also check out www.axess-electronics.com

I had a thread about 2 months back between the triaxis preamp and the Marshall jmp-1. I'm still conisidering getting the JMP-1 as well. What do you think?

- Patrick
AliensExist4 said:
I had a thread about 2 months back between the triaxis preamp and the Marshall jmp-1. I'm still conisidering getting the JMP-1 as well. What do you think?

- Patrick

The Recto pre blows it away.